Alpha's Babies - 15

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"Raiven, we have to bring him to Caden. He misses his brother." Maya said as softly as she could. It'd been three days and I was slowly losing the will to live. Caden was gonna be okay but he hadn't woken up yet. Eveytime I thought about how I thought he'd been been sleeping and hadn't realised that he was struggling to breathe, I felt like the world's worst mom.
I curled up even more on the armchair beside Caden's bed. "Don't let Corbin in here, please."
"But -"
"Please Maya."
She took a deep breath. "Well the guards have caught the rogues who did it, if that makes you feel better."

I didn't look at her. "That's not gonna bring Caden back to consciousness is it?"
She sighed and crouched down beside me. "Colten and Corbin need you, okay?"
"So does Caden!"
"Look, go out get some fresh air for a bit, I'll stay here."
I curled up tighter in the chair not wanting to leave Caden. He looked so peaceful and his chest rose up and down steadily which was a relief.
"Please, Raiven, go see how Colten's getting on with Corbin. It'll do you some good." she said with a little smile.

I looked at Caden hesitantly.
"He'll be fine, I promise." Maya held out her hand and helped me up. My legs were heavy with my werewolf blood slowly draining back in, this definitely wasn't an overnight process.
I kissed Caden on both cheeks and then his little nose and went to the door. I looked back once more at my son, willing him to jump up, grinning cheekily and getting into mischief again. A lump rose to my throat. This was all my fault. If I'd have stayed with Jason all those years ago, none of this would have happened and I wouldn't have to be watching my son lay there because he was mauled by wolves.

I turned away before I would burst into a fresh flood of tears. I scurried back over to the Pack House where it was deathly silent and no one seemed to be around which gave it this eerie feel.
I climbed up the endless stairs but Caden was still circling my mind.
Say he'd woken up as soon as I'd left?
I stopped and wondered if I should go back. I shook my head. No, Maya would have been on her way up now if that was the case.
I marched up the stairs again even though it took everything I had in me.

I got to Colten's door and pushed it open. The room was a complete mess, clothes and food boxes were strewn around the room decoratively. I almost laughed because it looked like Corbin took Colten through hell and back. Colten himself was sat in his armchair, Corbin curled on his lap, sleeping (I made sure he was actually breathing this time) with a book open on his knees. Colten's head was lolled back on the back of the chair with his eyes closed. A stubble had began to appear around his strong jaw and the area around his eyes had darkened significantly. This was not to mean that he looked any less attractive because he didn't.
I moved closer to them. "Colten?" I whispered.

His eyes snapped open and his grip on Corbin tightened protectively as he pushed his son closer to his chest. All his instincts suddenly alert.

But when he saw it was only me, he relaxed but then he perked up again. "Raiven? Are you okay? Is it Caden? What happened?"
I laughed and sat on the arm of the chair beside him. "Caden's fine, I promise."
He relaxed once more.
I picked up the book that Corbin had, a small one with crazy bright colours and shaped. "Starting on Daddy Duties, huh?"
He pushed back his black tousled hair and sighed. "You have no idea."
"Yes I do."

Colten stopped and looked at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean's not like that -I'm sorry, okay?"
I nodded "So you should be."
He looked down at Corbin. "I do like these kids you know. I feel like I've known them my whole life."
i raised an eyebrow "Despite not knowing their names."
His face reddened slightly. "I do now, Caden and Corbin. They're really nice names."
I almost rolled my eyes at him. He thought by throwing in a compliment it makes everything alright.

"I kinda named them after you," I said.
Colten frowned and looked up at me.
"You know, Colten. The 'Co' for Corbin and the 'En' for Caden."
A smile crept up on his lips. "I never realised that. But thank you."
I shrugged "I almost got talked out of it, you know."
His hand seemed to clutch Corbin closer to him slightly. "Well I'm glad you didn't."

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