Chapter 35 - The Prince of Esterpine

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Jeanine froze as the sharp edge of cold steel fell upon her neck. By now she was familiar with the blade's edge, especially the feel of it against her neck. She had felt it other places too, against her arm, her waist, her legs—

"Again. This time, quicker."

Holding back a snort of annoyance, she wiped the beads of sweat from her brow before nodding. Be quicker. That was always Lykan's advice. She was beginning to loathe it. How could she move faster? She wasn't a Sprite, so she didn't have the inhuman speed they were lucky enough to possess. With that as the case, how could she ever hope to best any of them?

Lykan, Jeanine's trainer, was one of many highly regarded sword masters living in Esterpine. He often frequented the Sprite's practice grounds. As such, he had been recruited to assist Master Orin with Jeanine and Jahl's training. Like all the Sprites, his body was covered in glowing markings. His hair was as dark as darkness itself; his eyes were nearly the same shade of black. His face was angular, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. He often looked stern unless he smiled, which caused his eyes to turn into friendly slits, but he didn't smile often. And unlike many Sprites, he didn't sport a loincloth, but rather, pants and a tunic, as normal people ought.

As Jeanine stepped away from Lykan and moved back into position, she glanced right. She may have been having trouble, but Jahl fared no better. She was forced to suppress laughter as she watched her dear friend land flat on his back. Master Orin's blade point rested neatly against his throat. Red-faced and panting, Jahl batted it away with the swat of his hand and jumped to his feet to begin anew. Their morning had been much the same as they tried over and again to best their assigned opponents.

Schooling her features, Jeanine crouched low and then lunged, attempting another surprise attack against Lykan who stood several arm lengths away. His blade met hers and he parried the blow she had hoped to deal. They danced around, light on their feet, for some minutes until it was obvious that Lykan could have bested her several times in that short span. He did at last by sticking his foot out in a brief flash, which sent her flying head-first for the ground. She landed with a thud in the soft dirt and flipped onto her back with her sword at the ready. She was just in time as Lykan's blade met hers.

"Very good," he said. "I almost thought I was going to have you there."

She offered him a brief smile and said nothing about her suspicions—that he could have bested her several times already. They both knew he had gone easy on her, but she was grateful for the fighting chance he offered.

As he helped her to her feet, she glanced around the clearing. A sudden feeling of being watched crept over her. She had felt it often since arriving in Esterpine, especially during her frequent explorations into the fringes of the city. Perhaps those moments of suspicion—when she looked curiously around her—were mere products of the forest itself. Even now as she took in the sparring grounds, she could see no source of watchfulness.

She took up her stance once more, glancing at her father's sword gripped in her hands. It was slightly heavier than the practice swords she was used to, like the ones she had used in Kaljah. This was a soldier's sword—a sword for protecting the Kingdom of Dragonwall. It came from a time when her father had fought in King Talon's ranks during the Gobelin Wars. Inscribed upon the steel's flat blade were the words, "Fight with honor," on one side and, "Strive for glory," on the other.

Lykan came at her, rushing forward with sprightly ease as he had done a hundred times before, swinging his long, Spriten blade above him. She raised her sword to block his—there was no time for anything else. Lykan never left her a moment for creativity. All she could do was focus on staying alive. She could count on a single hand the number of offensive blows she had successfully dealt him, and such successes were mere allowances; Lykan would have never allowed her through his barriers if she were a true enemy.

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