Chapter 54 - Dinner with Talon

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Kastali Dun

Claire made her way to King Talon's tower at dusk. His guards let her through for the second time that day. This time she looked more presentable. Desaree had insisted she swap her day gown for something more evening appropriate. She settled on a blue silk brocade with gold embroidery that buckled like a robe, covering most of her chest and shoulders. The embellishments along the trim at her neck, sleeves, and hem set it apart.

"Good evening, Lady Claire." Talon bowed respectfully when she entered. He stood waiting in the large entryway. She returned the greeting before glancing around. Unlike earlier, his packing was complete, and his main chamber tidy. "I finished packing just before you arrived," he said, as if reading her mind.

"Who will I send letters to once you are gone?" The words were out before she could censor them. She clenched her jaw to keep from saying anything else stupid.

Talon chuckled. For a brief instant, his face turned radiant. "You may still send me letters once I am gone. I believe the Sprites are familiar with parchment and ink."

"That isn't what I meant, and you know it."

His eyes danced, but he said nothing more.

They sat down to a quiet meal at his large dining table. She was well acquainted with his dining room by now, though this time she planned to be on her best behavior. Just like the last time, the king's servants waited on them before fading away to become statuesque. It wasn't until they began eating that Talon broke the silence. "I was proud of you today," he said. "That is the second time you have held your ground in my throne room."

Her chest swelled but instead of showing her elation, she shrugged. "Desaree is my handmaiden. She's my responsibility."

He bowed his head in agreement. "Most ladies of the court would not have supported a handmaiden's decision to go against a court lady, let alone stand beside her. You had said it was a matter of honor, now I truly understand."

His praise left her heart fluttering. In the past she wouldn't have cared if he disagreed with her behavior, but now she wanted his approval. "Thank you," she said at last. It was all she could think of.

He took a bite of food, savoring it before saying, "Do you still wish to know more about the pirate raids?"

Renewed excitement took her. "I was hoping to, yes."

"Good. I had hoped so." He brought her up to speed, explaining that over the past five years, Dragonwall had seen an increase in the number of pirate raids along the coasts. Pirate ships were usually solitary operators. They looted for their own benefit, and often spent their loot when they docked.

As she listened, Claire took small, polite bites.

"Unlike what has happened in the past," Talon said, "these raids are coordinated, indicating that the pirates are working together."

The raids often took place along the southern shores. Some were mild, with stolen goods and destroyed dwellings. Others caused death and devastation. "In the first few years, I attributed these raids to increasing costs of merchandise transport. If only I would have known then..." He shook his head as if at a loss. "It has been difficult to predict their movements. I find it obvious that they are working together, but impossible to know where they will strike next. Their latest target was an island village, relatively isolated, in the Scattered Islands. They stole a majority of women and children for the slave trade."

"Slave trade?" Claire's eyes widened.

"Oh yes, both Pavv and Oshea support slavery. Pirates are not usually so bold, but they grow bolder."

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