33|Love Confessions

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a/n **IMPORTANT***


So I've seen a lot of questions pop on the early chapters and some in the recent ones too.

So I decided hey author person, why don't you have a Q and A. And I was like yes, yes, very good brain.

Comment here for any questions🍕🍕🍕🍕

*long surprise chapter*

Thank you so much for all the 10.7k votes, comments, views, and putting your books in your guys's reading lists, and all the follows. We're #24 in teen fiction last time I checked!!! Thank you guys so much!

Merry Christmas this is my present to all of you guys and... Scene!

Silas asks Audrey on a date...

Silas's POV

"Uh yeah- I mean yes! Yes." She nods a grin sprouting on her soft pink lips.

Happiness swells in my chest as she brightens staring at me with her bright grey eyes.

"Great I'll pick you up at 6." I smile, which makes her brighten even further.

"Shut your trap Scott!"

"I know you love it when I...

"Scott I swear to the Holy Lord and my deceased Grandma May..."

"... To you. The bed was still warm from last night-"

"-You motherfucking wanker!"

I chuckle along Scott as Nadia looks murderous. My gaze drifts to the beautiful brunette beside me and I find her deep in thought.

Fear creeps in along with doubt. Is she having second thoughts?

Fucking hell Silas why would she say yes and then think no?

Did I do something? Shit!

I go over all I did and came out clean.

Fuck did she finally realize I'm a good for nothing asshole?

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She smiles shyly her cheeks tinging red. So cute.

I peck her lips and she hides in my chest. I wrap an arm around her on her shoulders pulling her into me.

She breathes in deeply and sighs softly on my chest, and I couldn't help the swelling pride I felt. I was crazy for her. She was everything I've ever wanted with out knowing it. She was intelligent, caring, cheeky, bright, forgiving, and so much more. Why did she choose a selfish asshole like myself?

"You're my personal teddy, ok?" She demanded gazing up at me.

"I'm yours, shortie." I kiss her adorable nose she scrunches.

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