IV: His Butler | | Too Late

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"Keeled over of a heart attack; what a shame," chuckled the Undertaker as he loaded the body of Ezzelin's second head butler, Ferdi, onto the single mule-led cart and into the wooden coffin. The grim reaper sighed. "It's a pity there isn't much to be done to pretty him up."

Ezzelin, who had shed only a few silent tears, glanced up to Jasper. "Ready the carriage!" he exclaimed with no hint of sadness.

The long, silver-haired butler peered down at him with his crimson eyes and raised an inquiring eyebrow. "My lord?" he asked.

The tawny-haired Italian lad shoved past his butler. "You heard what I said, Jasper; ready the damn carriage." Ezzelin closed his eyes as he clanked his heels against each stone step as he'd made his way back into his manor, ignoring Anita and Mara, who were staring sympathetically at him, as he'd done so.

"Yes, young master." whispered Jasper as he'd watched on at the boy carrying himself proudly into his estate as if nothing sorrowful had just occurred.

"My my, your master is quite the crude fellow, eh?" said the Undertaker---catching Jasper's mild attention.

Jasper closed his eyes and bowed his head slightly; whilst smiling to himself, he replied, "But he always knows what should be done."

The ashen-haired reaper smiled and climbed atop the driver's seat of his wooden cart. "Farewell!" he said, waving his hand backwards at the servants of the Mondadori residence. The auburn pony, that was pulling the wagon, released a neigh as Under Taker lashed his reins at its back; moving it onward back to his shop in London.

Why come such a distance for one body? Jasper had thought before sighing and heading in the direction of the stables to retrieve the four black and white paint Gypsy Cobs, imported from Ireland, to hitch them to the onyx carriage with gold-trimming all around its edges.

Jasper entered Ezzelin's room and bowed. "My lord," he said.

"I take it that the carriage is prepared to my liking, no?" asked Ezzelin with an arrogant smirk, his brown eyes closed.

Jasper smiled and stepped forward. "The carriage is so."

"Good," replied the boy as he'd turned from the large bedroom window and to his butler. "Let us take our departure now."

"Yes, young master."

"Un magnifico lavoro (A magnificent job), as expected of you, Jasper." Ezzelin chuckled, patting the silver-haired man on his shoulder.

"Anything for you, my lord." Jasper said as he held open the door to the carriage for the tawny-haired earl.

"Are you to be the driver, Jasper?" Ezzelin asked as he stepped onto the one metal step into the stagecoach.

"Considering I am the only suitable choice; yes, my lord. However, it would've been nice to be accompanying you within the carriage and Ferdinando being the driver." Jasper sighed and smiled softly at Ezzelin. "Shall we make any stops on the way?"

Ezzelin rubbed his temples as he took his seat. "I see no need in such a tedious thing; time is of the essence. I wish to be in London to see the opera this Saturday. Let us depart immediately and make no mistake of an unneeded stop; understood?"

Jasper placed the palm of his right hand over his heart and bowed. "Very well, my lord." he said as he gently closed the carriage door and strode gracefully to the elevated box seat of the carriage, climbed aboard and grabbed hold of the black leather reins. "Onward, you beautiful creatures!" Jasper cried out with a grin as he mushed the reins against the four lead horses' backs.

Ezzelin rolled his eyes and chuckled at his overjoyed butler, then stared out his tiny window at the afternoon sun and clear blue sky. "I suppose even demons must enjoy themselves upon occasion."

His Butler, Beloved {KuroWattyAwards 2014}Where stories live. Discover now