VIII: His Butler | | Extravagant

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"Young master," said Jasper as he entered the dining hall and placed the polished silverware on the white-clothed table, that was easily suited for 24 guests, next to their designated gold-trimmed porcelain plates imported from China.

Ezzelin glanced up from his morning paper and took a sip of his exceptionally sweet coffee. "Yes?" he asked, his eyebrow arched.

The butler straightened out a crease in the cloth and smiled to himself. "You are becoming quite the renowned business boy here in Europe." He looked over at him, his crimson eyes glistening as he did a complete spin on his right heel and made his way over to Ezzelin's side. "Would you not agree?" he said as he removed a strand of hair from his master's white suit. "Such a nuisance hair is, my lord."

Ezzelin raised his eyebrow and narrowed his dark eyes at Jasper. "What is it you are insinuating, Jasper?"

Jasper interlaced his fingers together and tied his gloved hands behind his back and bowed. "I insinuate nothing of a negative factor, my lord. I am merely reminding you of how much of an important figure you've become."

Ezzelin nodded his head then carried his brown gaze down to the paper, closing it, he examined the front-page's headlining column with scrutiny. "Tch," he scoffed, placing his hand over his chin as if in thought, "how could they say this was the work of nearly ten men armed with fire axes?"

The butler slowly shook his head, tisking repetitively. "Petty mortals," he said bowing beside of Ezzelin, "shall I execute them for you, young master?"

He shook his head and took a bite out of his cannoli (a deep-fried Italian pastry with a soft-cheese and candied fruit filling---in Ezzelin's case, a strawberry one). "Don't slay those who have done me no wrong, that's an order." he said, closing his eyes. "If we were to do such a thing to a reporter, it would only cause further uproar in Paris."

Jasper frowned, then placed his right hand firmly over his left breast and bowed humbly. "Very well, my lord." He stood upright and examined all features of the dining hall with pride lingering in his crimson eyes. "Everything is to your liking, no?"

"So long as our guests are shown the utmost hospitality of the Mondadori household, everything is suitable to me."

The long, silver-haired butler smiled. "I shall do a once-over of the entire estate to assure that everything shall be to their liking then, young master.

Ezzelin closed his eyes and subtly nodded.


The guests arrived once the sun had set. Jasper had polished the silverware to a glossy shine, wiped clean the plates once more, dusted the entire manor from the smallest centimeter of their bookshelves in Ezzelin's study to the chandeliers, and opened all the heavy curtains to the tall windows of the dining hall.

"Young master," said Jasper as he lit the five candles placed precisely in their golden holders atop the long, mahogany dining table. "I shall greet our guests; wait here."

The boy waved dismissively. "Very well." he said.

Once Jasper bowed and exited the room, Ezzelin glanced between the empty elegant chairs, then to the wine glasses placed next to each porcelain plate with pride. "Only the utmost best for my guests," he whispered. He smirked deviously as he picked up the fork to his right and twiddled it, watching as the flames from the candle reflected on its beautiful, gleaming silver. "Only the utmost best."

Ezzelin listened as Jasper lead his guests toward the dining hall:

"My lord has requested quite the feast for his humble guests on this eve of October," he said as he held open the exceptionally large champagne-coloured doors. "The cuisines shall be served once everyone has properly seated."

His Butler, Beloved {KuroWattyAwards 2014}Where stories live. Discover now