2. Coffee and cardamom dates

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Oh light of the morning after the lonesomeness of the night (darkness)... 
Oh Morning who became narcissistic among all seeds / flowers...
Oh Morning of benevolent, forgotten roses...
And scents of Blue Oud above the cinder in the mornings.
Oh morning solace to make God perpetuate...
After the dusk seized and a feared night
The best feelings (like wishes) to the best people
Who (a clique / few people) kept part of my mind and the heart has his friendship
Oh the companion who interfaces is like a booty (easy to catch)
And don't forget the one who gave you all the memorable things (like who gave all the best to you)
The most precious like morning dew and the longing to see it every morning again
And you who are the lovers (his) coffee, it's cardamom and his dates
And love is no matter of victory nor defeat (win or lose)
Don't run away of what you aren't capable of (of what you are not able to destroy in order to rebuild it again)
What is the point of our offense (the distraction to win or lose)
The savior continues the abandonment under his own command
And shy from shame in the pale cheeks
Like a red chalice coloring all whiteness
And shed tears in my eyes from old memories
And sadness flowing and filling the heart
Look at my heart and the fire in its core
Dark coal embers and flows coals and embers...
So walk upright on the straight path
Get the spirit of Mecca and go practise hajj and umrah
The constant moonlight reveals its peaceful intentions (to have faith)
Such as the heart that resembles the moon

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