65. Short Poems by Fazza

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"My eyes changed and they loved the worries of the nights while others eyes still love the sleep and rest

If you think all this is because of a special person with high value I can tell you thought wrong

Although this person is a very special and big person to me

If I feel tired from whom I love
I keep the tiredness between my chest
And still stay with you awake
And feel the excitement of staying awake"

"This rain seems like a beautiful poem which rhymes to seduce
Then the rain fell on my lovers clothes.::

The first rather can make the people of sorrow forget their sorrow
This rain is able to keep the lips smiling after the feelings of sadness from missing

I wish that this union will be suck as the clout full of rain
And under them the branches of trees
Which are dehydrated from the heat"

"Her mood is like the rule of authority which already has a law

And her beauty is like the queen's position
So high in class no one can touch her

And her manners are already created
In her from a very long time with deep roots"

"How can i say goodbye to the field of poems
And be far from her?
And the poems say goodbye to me
Even if I don't bid goodbye to them
The feelings are submissive as if they
take her into consideration
The knowledge is behind my heart
And i don't show it
Love is precious.
Buy the years of connection, but don't sell them
The birds that migrated away return to their homeland
The nights led them far and the preciousness returned them."

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