Everyone Has A Soul: The Clock Strikes One

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                                                           E v e r y o n e  H a s  A  Soul

                                                          Dear Noah, everyone has a soul...


                                                T H E C L O C K S T R I K E S O N E


Emily Northlight stared shamelessly at the vampire up ahead. Her mouth was hung open and her eyes wide. Now most simple minded pedestrians would think it was due to her "teenage hormones" or she was the typical "jump on anything with a dick" type of teenage girl. She wasn't, especially the latter. Though in her current state she supposed it wasn't difficult to assume so.

         In truth Emily Northlight hadn't been a 'normal teenage girl' for almost a century now. No, she had all but sold herself, made a deal she couldn't get out of. But in truth she didn't want to. Now she was a Soul Saviour. Soul Saviour's were unknown creatures even in the supernatural world. Yet despite being all but invisible, there was very little they didn't know about. Well perhaps love, that was something they had all in turn, long forgotten.

         The vampire, with his blonde hair and tall lean body, was perfect to the human eye. But of course he did. He was a predator after all. And looks assisted in leading his pray to him. She remembered the vampire like he was her own flesh and blood. A part of her. He was the horror that woke her up screaming most days. He was the being that fueled the burning anger inside her. And there he stood, alive, beautiful but in all truth still a demon. He was different than she remembered, he had this air of almost perfect calm about him. Tranquil. It was a persona she was sure. For he was a blood sucking leech, who was plagued with blood lust. She had seen so herself. The images haunted her in her dreams and made her very heart weep for humans; who were cursed with ignorance of it all.

          Her fists clenched she watched him from a distance, disbelief still filling her. The sudden urge for revenge was consuming but she knew she could not act upon it...could she? No. She had a soul to save at present, and yet the opportunity at present was too great.

         She had time still, the Shadows were yet to find the soul and she still had no leads on its whereabouts. Perhaps she could follow the vampire for a while? She wasn't an armature anymore. She was sure she could juggle more than one job at once. Certain of it in fact. Yet something nagged her at the back of the mind, telling her it was an unwise decision. She ignored it. Her mind was too set there was no hope of going back for her now.

        The vampire appeared to be talking on his phone, brows drawn together showing worry? A vampire that worried. She wanted to scoff. Now she had seen everything. Vampires by nature did not worry. They slaughtered and killed with no little consideration for their victim; all they cared about was relieving their forever burning hunger. With a scowl he scurried down the street and Emily followed hot on his heels. Vampires were fast, to the human eye he would have simply vanished, but to a Soul Saviour his speed wasn't so great. Emily was sure she was faster. With a smirk on her face, she silently followed.

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