Everyone Has A Soul: The Clock Strikes Three

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                                                            E V E R Y O N E H A S A Soul

                                                       Dear Noah, Everyone Has A Soul


                                           T H E C LO CK S T R I K E S T H R E E


Emily all but flew into the burning building. She was hungry, ravenous to face the shadows and consume the buildings waking fire. It was time; she would be free of Noah and save a soul all in one day. She was beaming, cocky yes, but happy all the same. She was confident she could do it, overly so as she hadn’t been beaten yet. She just hoped Noah wouldn’t get in the way too much. She rushed past tables and chars, finding no trace of the shadow in the main dinning area she decided to go towards the kitchen.

            The flames had consumed most of the wood in the building, which was what most was made out of and as she swept passed she let her skin absorb the flames. There was no need for the whole building to tumble on them now. A smirk played at her lips as she ran past tables and chairs and all but busted the kitchen door down. She raced into the kitchen, before stopping furiously to face the shadow. It wasn’t so hard for her to miss, it floated furiously in mid hair, much resembling a dolls face. It was black and oozed a sickening dark power. Directly in front of it, a glowing soul lingered. It was blue in colour and in the shape of sphere, it looked like one of the cheap scam crystal balls oddly enough, only if you touched it your fingers would run straight through.

         To actually save a soul it involved a Soul Saviour running her fingers through to its core and flowing her own energy into it. There two energy’s or auras would combine allowing her to pass the soul through herself and into the creature it belonged to.

         Emily hissed as the doll like shadow gave her a crooked smile before trying to inch closer towards the soul. Quickly unbuttoning the top buttons of her blouse she tapped on the small gem allowing the phoenix energy to flow through her. Her eyes began to glow hungry, her body burned a brilliant fire, which consumed her. Slowly she extended her fingers outwards and hissed as a ripple of fire spread from her heart, up her arm, and tingled to the tips of her fingers; before a spurt of blinding white fire shot out. It hit the shadow with frightening speed; sending it reeling backwards. The soul continued to float aimlessly across the room. She couldn’t let it get the soul, not before freeing herself from Noah. If that happened not only would she die then he would too.

          Had she not gotten to know him she would have recoiled at the idea of saving his life, but she had gotten to know him in the space of a few hours she now believed there was some hope left in the tragic vampire she had come to know. Maybe he would turn things around, to finally master his temptations and realise that he could love, though she knew it was a long feat. She had learnt a valuable lesson that was for sure: never judge a book by its cover.

          "Nice try you stupid shadow," she hissed giving it a cruel smile. It got up hissing, the anger it mustered directing right at her. It was now show time. The shadow let out a terrible scream making the walls vibrate from the force.

         "Noah," she called, "Get your ass in here,"

          Noah appeared then, in a traditional fast vampire manner. He cocked a brow when his gaze fell upon the hollering shadow before him. Normally a vampire couldn’t see the whereabouts of the shadow; however it seemed their bound souls made it so he could. She nodded at him. It was definitely show time. She braced both hands out in front of her and with one devilish look fired an assault of flames at the shadow. It hissed at first impact, before it started to dodge, its doll like head spinning and terming as it taunted her with an icy laugh. She stopped her assault giving Noah a warning look, his eyes were feral like he too wanted to attack but she shock her head.

Everyone Has A SoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon