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Kate Pov

Dec 2 2016


Kate: Should i send it?

Lesley: If you are sure then go ahead

I didn't know if I should do it or not but i think we aren't going well since he left. I stared at the screen and decided to send it my hand was shaking as my finger pressed the send button

Kate To Jinyoung
Lets break up

I really didn't want to do this but I think it would be better for the both of us. I think he needs time for himself since he is acting like that towards me. I think it's better for him to only focus on his career

~2 hours later~

my phone vibrated in the middle of the night i went to see what it was and to my surprise it was Jinyoung i went and opened the message

From Jinyoung

So i made the right decision? That broke my heart in millions of pieces. So he was just waiting for me to break up with him?

*end of flashback*

I made my way downstairs all sleepy as I entered the kitchen my mom was already there with a happy face greeting me

Mom: Goodmoring *smiles*

Me: Morning

Mom: are you upset?

Me: No I'm fine just tired

Mom: You sure?

Me: Yes don't worry

Mom: So how's everything going with Jinyoung?

I remain silent I didn't want to talk about him

Mom: Did something happened between you two?

Me: We broke up

Mom: Oh honey I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked

Me: It's fine you didn't know let's just not talk about it

Mom: Anyway I have a surprise for you

She said as she placed the plate with pancakes infront of me

Me: What is it?

I suddenly became really curious about this

Mom: You'll see I'm sure you'll like it

As i ate i wonder what could it be? I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with Jinyoung since we broke up

I finished eating and placed my plate and cup in the sink and started washing up all the dirty dishes

Mom: I'll wait in the living room

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