506 20 1

Jimin Pov

Kate: I hope your happy now happy about your choice forget everything we ever shared or had together you know what also preten like we never dated *ends call*

Jimin: N..o Ka-

I looked up she had ended the call my vison became blurry due to the tears forming in my eyes

Jimin: k..ate

Jungkook: Jimin did you hang up on her?

I couldn't talk I just wanted to cry so bad but I held them in

V: Jimin what happened?

Jungkook: You couldn't fix anything?

Jimin: S..sh..e b..rok..e u..p w..ith me

V: What?!

Jungkook: What did you do??!

I looked at them and stood up and left Jungkook's room

Jungkook Pov

V: We should call her to see if everything is ok with her?

Jungkook: No I think we should let her have time for herself

V: Aigoo why would they break up knowing they like each other a lot this is unbelievable

Why do I feel this way..? should I tell him...?

Jungkook: Tae..

V: What?

Jungkook: Don't you like her anymore..?

He looked down and placed his hand on his hips and weakly smiled

V: Yeah...I do but she loves Jimin and Jimin loves her there is nothing I could do just be happy for her but now they broke up she must be having a hard time *sighs*

Jungkook: I know it's not right but don't you think this will be a great opportunity to fight for her love?

V: What are you talking about?

Jungkook: You're giving up on her?

V: There is nothing I can do Jungkook as much as I'll like to have her

Jungkook: Do you think she'll accept me then?

V: Jungkook she loves jimin I don't think she'll be looking for a relationship when they broke her heart now 2 times

Jungkook: But there might be a chance I'll make her fall for me. I mean time heals everything I can make her forget him and make her love me

V: Even if you wanted to help her or make her forget him you wouldn't Jungkook she's not here so you can just forget about it

Jungkook: Bu-

V: *sighs* Look I don't want to sound rude but you spend more time with her at first than Jimin yet she chose Jimin do you think she'll choose you this time ?

Jungkook: I'm not giving up if you are I really do love her my feelings haven't changed



March 24 ~

Lesley Pov

A month has passed by that same day Kate told me she broke up with Jimin she hasn't been out anywhere but work. She only sticks there all day goes home really late and leaves really early.

We found out Jackson had to do a lot with this but he kept denying it everytime we told him to tell Jimin about it Jimin said we were all confusing him and that Kate probably needed time like him?

Today is BTS last concert in Newark I talked to Rap Monster today they'll be coming tomorrow and stay until the 29 which is the day of the concert then leave the 30th in the afternoon.

I can't even imagine what will happened if we do get to spend time together besides Kate is always busy and I think she won't be able to go but at least we are attending the concert

I was out of my thoughts when I saw Kate enter her office with a box

Lesley: What's that for?

Kate: My mom says I can stop working

Lesley: You'll not work for your mom anymore?

Kate: Yepp...even tho I want to keep working i like it

Lesley: You've worked so hard Kate the company sold many clothes because of your designs! You needed a break after all this hard work

She weakly smiled at me and sat down on her chair

Kate: Thanks you're so sweet. But I don't know what to do after there is like nothing to do I feel like I got use to this

Lesley: Oh hell yeah there is a lot we will gladly be attending the wings tour and we'll get to spend time with them before they have their concert they are coming tomorrow!!#

She wiped away a tear and started packing again

Lesley: What's wrong?

she held a picture frame and put it in front of me it was a picture of Jimin and her they looked really happy

Kate: I don't know why I still miss him like crazy...am not even over him

Lesley: It's because you love him

Kate: *sighs* It didn't take me that much work to move on when I broke up with Jinyoung but jimin.. he's always in my mind even if I try not to think about him

Lesley: Well he is coming Kate you can fix things up with him?

Kate: I don't know if I can...let's just not talk about this

After that we stayed silent as I helped her pack and bring the boxes to her car

I was going to stay over today at her house since we didn't really spend that much time because of her work

Kate: The bed is all made for you

Lesley: But why are you making me sleep on your bed and you on the floor?

Kate: You're my guest that's why of course

Lesley: You sure you'll be fine?

Kate: It's not like it's the first time I'll be sleeping here *chuckles*

Lesley:Alright then goodnight sleep well because we'll be going to their hotel tomorrow

Kate: I know goodnight~~~

End of this chapter sorry for a boring chapter I'll make it better next time

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