36. My terasures

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Where is my treasure?"
I ask in despair.
"Where is that peace,
That life without care?"

"Why, this adversity?
Such turmoil and strife!
Can I take it all
For the rest of my life?"

Then, weary and spent,
I'm still shaking my head,
As I tuck my three daughters
Into each little bed.

They're asleep, I'm exhausted,
Though their prayers brought a smile.
In the silence I'll talk
To my 'Father' awhile.

"Where is my treasure?"
I ask Him in tears.
"How do I measure
The lengthening years?"

"I'm not getting younger;
I'm tired; worn out!
There are others who HAVE!
Why must I live without?!"

In the silence I'm waiting,
Though I also feel shame;
Discouraged, I look
For another to blame.

In the silence and darkness
Comes an answer I've sought . . .
"My daughter, your treasure
Can NEVER be bought!"

"Then I must wait for Heaven,
For the treasure I seek?"
I ask Him, quite harshly;
Yet, feeling quite meek.

"If you look close beside you,
You'll discover your treasure!
Tell me, my daughter,
Just how DO you measure?"

"Would you trade what you have
For the gold of another?
Your husband; your children,
Your father; your mother?!"

"Your friends, have you any?
Are they faithful and true?
I ask you, my child,
Would you cast them from you?"

"And, now, as you kneel,
And pray by these beds;
As you gaze with such love,
On these sweet, trusting heads;"

"Tell me, now, where's your treasure?"
And, I looked at each one;
But, instead, I saw treasures,
That shone like the sun.

First, an emerald, my oldest;
Responsible, charming,
With a beauty so deep,
It can be quite disarming.

Then, next, is my ruby,
My youngest of all.
Such mischief and wisdom,
In one, who's so small.

And, last, but not least,
Comes the one in the middle;
Now, here is the one
Who's truly a riddle--

Brilliant and silly;
Wacky and wise.
Always the source
Of another surprise.

A spirit so strong,
In this frail, little girl.
Why, she is no other
Than my shining pearl!

So, here are my treasures.
They've been here, all the time.
Neither bought; nor are sold,
Gifts of God, they are mine.

So, whenever in doubt,
Look around, in your world.
You, too, may discover
An Emerald, Ruby, and Pearl!

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