140. Cabin with a view

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Back against the mountain
Sits a cabin with a view
Catching every sunrise to sunset
Hit by every rain, snow, and morning dew

This cabin was built
long before the civil war
They traded with the Indians
Before this country was so tore

They kept a couple of horses
And other livestock as well
Making them quite a living
Below that mountain shell

The owner, they were killed
By some robbers in the night
Their Indian friends found and buried them
By the next afternoon light

Now that cabin just stands
Waiting for someone to call it home
It has such a pretty view
Up against that mountain all a lone

Now and then an Indian comes by
Remembering those friends from the past
Thinking back to the day they met
And how their lives ended so fast

Yes back against that mountain
There sits that cabin with a view
Some say it's as if it was crying
As the roof drips off the morning dew

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