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"I don't see the problem here," Sylvia shrugs, "he's sitting alone with a beer. What's the issue?"

I scoff. "The issue is just that. He's boring as shit. I want him to be checking some sweetbutt whore out while casually sipping his scotch, or maybe dance with a southern bell tourist. I don't know, anything but sulk."

Sylvia chuckles slightly, releasing the smoke she's been holding in. "What's got him sulking, huh, princess?"

My eyes roll. "I've been too irritated to sex things up. Poor man is deprived." Sylvia pushes me towards my fiancé with a subtle eye roll. She's the greatest. I find a seat next to him, making Bryson raise an eyebrow. "Hi." My cheeks turn a scarlet at his scrutiny.

"Hey, baby, what's up?" Bryson questions, knowing I'd never just come spark conversation for no reason. His large hand envelopes my much smaller one.

For some damn reason tears bubble in my eyes. My bottom lip quivers. "You're sad. Because of me." Bryson sits straighter, completely surprised. He looks awkward for a moment. In a swift action I'm cradled in his arms and we're moving out the door. Sylvia waves to me, snickering.

Bry sets me down on the curb as he brings his bike to life. I climb on like a monkey. The motorbike roars and we're off.



"Kitten, take the fucking test."

He waves the pregnancy test around in mania. My heart stammers against my chest. Last time I took one of those I lost the baby not even a week later. Fuck that, if I'm pregnant we'll know in about two months when I start showing.

"I can't." A mask of nothingness coats my face again. Bryson looks beyond annoyed with my defiance, but I am not budging on this. We'll know if I'm pregnant soon. "Not again." His eyes burn into mine. Neither of us wants to back down, but my shield is slowly cracking as his face becomes soft. Damn him and his handsome self.

"Baby, I'll fucking hold the test while you piss if that's what it'll take."


I snatch the test and stomp off to my bathroom. Fuck this. We don't need this fucking test. I'm not retarded, I know when I'm pregnant. We've been going at it like damn rabbits for two months. I think there's a slight possibility he knocked me up.

Peeing on the test brings a whole round of deja vu. It hits me like a fucking truck: taking the test, waiting five minutes to build up the courage, crying, waiting, waiting, waiting, and rape. Before I know it I'm curled on the bathroom floor in hysterics.

Bryson slams against the bathroom door, bellowing for me to answer, but I remain in my fetal position. The sobs rack my body, the destroyed test mangled at my feet. The door falls apart at its hinges allowing my fiancé to storm in. He's seeing red, it's obvious. He grips me by the forearms, bringing me to my feet.

"What the hell happened, Midnight Violet Manchester." Nothing is ever a question.

I burst back into disgusting tears. "Negative."


Bryson's cut rests over my shoulders, cascading down my back all the way to my ass. Viper, Ander, and two other thick necked men stand around me as Bryson speaks animatedly to the gang doctor.

"Doc, we need an appointment now."

"Bones, I'm all booked for the day. Come back tomorrow."

The gang doctor works in their headquarters. It's a brick building right on the edge of Silverdale Road, the biggest by far and the most alive. Hundreds of men barge in and out throughout the day. I've only been inside once before now, when I came to dump Sebastian's shit off. The bastard used to leave his shit at Twon's when he'd get shit faced.

An elbow nudges my shoulder. Immediately I throw a punch, catching the thick necked man off guard. Viper and Ander pull me back slightly.

"How does Bones deal with your annoying ass?" The man sneers. My eyes narrow. If I wasn't potentially pregnant I would sock him in the eye for sneering at me.

Viper doesn't look happy, at all. "Watch your mouth, Dog, that's my VP's old lady you're speaking to."

Old lady? I'm an old lady? Already?

Dog, so he's called, barks at me. He literally fucking barks. Like a fuck dog. Well, he definitely deserves his name. The second unnamed thick necked man looks down at me. Before he can speak a looming presence stops him.

"What's all the commotion?" Bryson snarls. "Someone speaking down to my girl?"

Viper puts a hand on Bryson's chest, only for it to be roughly pushed away. He's brooding and I want to bed him. Now. I intertwine my fingers with his, letting my ring rub against his hand. "What'd the doc say?"

His attention is never on me. He remains in a staring contest with Dog. Neither men look to be in any condition to be here. "He'll see you in five minutes."

So that's how it'll be? Fine. I remove my hand from his, he doesn't look. Fuck formalities, I want his attention. Now. Without any reason why I scream at the top of my lungs. Bryson's head snaps in my direction, his eyes wide and jaw ticked. All five men look around for a source of my distress.

"What the hell is wrong now?" Dog asks. "Is the princess not getting the attention she wants?"

"As a matter of fact, that's exactly why," I snap.  I flick my hair from my face. "And since nobody seems to care that I'm here I'm going to the examination alone."


"Nope. You can't come here looking sexy as hell and expect me not to want your undivided attention." The four remaining men look extremely uncomfortable. Ander steps back, his cheeks flaming red. "And then Dog, here, is mean to me. . . a-and I just want a c-cookie!"

My mood takes a full one eighty and I burst into tears. Viper barks orders to his brothers: Dog go buy cookies, Ander go get the doctor, Rage guard Violets hospital suite, Bryson accompany Violet to the room. That leaves Viper with nothing to do. I look at him through my wet eyelashes. "An apple juice would be nice."

He scurries off without another word.

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