Chapter Thirty Three: Did You Know I Want To Die, My Little Bean?

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Chapter Thirty Three: Did You Know I Want To Die, My Little Bean?

Reference to suicide. If this you do not feel comfortable with that, you may skip this chapter.

*•*•Bailey's POV•*•*

"Will you cut it out?" I yelled over Parker, parking the car outside of my home as he belted out the lyrics to the fifth song in a row.

"Nope." He said, giving me a toothy grin, "ONCE I WAS- Hey!" He pouted as soon as I turned off the radio.

I rolled my eyes as I turned off the engine, "We're home anyways." I said as I exited the car, slamming the door. I rushed over to his side to help him get out.

It was morning now, from the previous eventful day. Parker and I were both tired from yesterday that as soon as we touched the beds Bennett had let us sleep on, we passed out. It was a dreamless night for me, however, for Parker I could say otherwise. In the shared bed we slept in because of how we were just to lazy to sleep in the other one that Bennett had provided us, I had woken up multiple times to Parker saying words and sentences that had scared me to the point I couldn't sleep the last time he woke me up. He sounded as if he was begging for someone, or something to stop. I'm not sure what, but it made me afraid to wonder about what he was dreaming about. When he awoke, which was a few hours ago, I didn't say a word to him about the words I heard him say in his sleep and I chose to keep it that way for the time being.

Although Parker and I believed we were the only ones awake, we were met by Bennett and Grayson, who were already up and at the table, talking quietly amongst themselves. As soon as we had appeared in the kitchen, their conversation ceased and immediately, they insisted on both of us to return home. Of course, both Parker and I didn't like the idea of coming back home, but they wouldn't listen to our argument. Somehow through the arrangement of coming back home, we got them to come back with us, but in their own separate cars. Bennett and Grayson were coming later however. They said they had some unfinished business to do at the house. I tried to not wonder about it, but my brain wouldn't allow me.

"Come on, Parker." I said as I struggled to keep him up.

"I could walk Teddy." He groaned, childishly, peeling of my gentle grip on his side. I knew he could walk, it's just that the fact that he had fallen not too long ago when I was bringing him to the car.

I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness, "I'm just being careful, Parks." I muttered as I stood an arms length away, ready to try and catch him if he ever did fall.

"I'm okay, Teddy. My legs were just-"

"Failing on you." I finished his sentence for him as we made it up to my front porch.

"I was going to say asleep, but yeah, that too." He joked, chuckling lightheartedly, however I stayed quiet as I tried to find the keys to unlock my front door.

Even though he believed his joke was amusing, I felt the opposite. I was in no mood for jokes, especially since Parker's incident had just occurred yesterday. Luke's words replayed in my head, making the guilt in my stomach increase, "Come on, Teddy," Parker's voice said, pulling me out of my trance on the floor. As he tugged on my arm with a playful smile on his face, I faced him with a stern look, "Lighten up a bit."

His words infuriated me, "How can I Parker?" I snapped, raising my voice, annoyed with his attitude, however I was unsure why, "You were shot yesterday!"

He sighed at my words. For a moment, he looked at me with sadness and hurt. He probably figured that I was saying this because I remembered what his brother had said to me yesterday. From my peripheral vision, I saw him race his hand gently. I felt him place his hand under my chin, causing me to look up at him, "And I'm still alive, aren't I?" He asked with a small smile.

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