The Elevator Pitch

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I steadied my stride once I reached the mass of cubicles. Everyone was too busy to notice the color in my face, the stiffness of my arms, and the tilt of my head. I took quick, precise steps to my office, ignoring all the noise and bustle around me. It all seemed like static anyway when compared to the volume in which my cruel mind replayed the conversation from only moments ago.

I whipped my office door open and Emily, now returned from her meeting with her team, immediately came to attention. However, one look at my face said enough and Emily rose from her seat without a word. She ran over to secure the door and then stepped into a corner so as to remain out of my way.

"What happened? What did Colin do?"

"He's apparently doing Tamara's bidding now."

"The elevator woman?"

"Yeah, and Colin isn't the only one getting cozy with her," I growled.

"What? You don't mean Alec, do you?"

I couldn't get the words out, so I just gave her a knowing look before shoving my tablet and thermos into my bag and locating my phone beneath a stack of papers.

"What happened Lex?"

I took a quick scan of my desk before determining that I had enough to survive the night. I put on my jacket and then hiked my bag up onto my shoulder.

"I have to go. If Alec..." I paused to chew on my words. Then, continued on with tears threatening to breach. "If Mr. Radcliffe comes by tell him I had to go home early because I was feeling sick. He'll know I'm not, but I don't really care at this point."

I headed for the door, but Emily grabbed my arm before I could push it open. I wondered for a moment if she was going to attempt to hug me and tell me everything would be okay. Emily, however, is too good a friend for that. She knew I needed to run.

"I don't care what the answer is, I just need to know. Are you still going to do the interview tomorrow?"

I took a deep breath and looked out the glass wall of our office. A few curious glances looked in at us, but Alec was not one of the audience.

"I have a job to do and I'm going to do it," I said without turning to face her.


She let go of my arm and stepped back so I could reach the door. As I grabbed the handle, part of me just wanted to throw everything to the floor and vent with Emily, but the other — and significantly stronger willed — part needed to get gone before Alec had the chance to corner me.

I laughed a little at that thought. Only a half hour earlier I would have been positively giddy if I knew Alec was hunting me down in hopes of having a quiet, personal chat with me. However, all I wanted was to get home to a pantry full of snacks, a warm blanket, and Netflix.

"Know I'm just a phone call away," said Emily as I finally took hold of the handle. I gave her a thankful nod and a forced smile before bolting for the elevator.

I could feel a few eyes follow me as I skirted through the Pit and headed straight for my ticket out of there. Unfortunately, one of those pairs of eyes happened to be Alec's. I tried to keep my gaze firm upon the metal doors ahead of me, but that damnable attraction for my boss had not died simply because an expensively dressed Amazon had stepped in between us. The second he moved forward and entered my peripheral vision, my heart jumped and my head snapped up. It was enough to stop him in his tracks and the weaker part of me wanted to run straight into his arms, but a quick bite to the inside of my cheek, forced my eyes forward. I called the elevator and began the painfully cruel wait for its arrival.

"Lex." Whether he intended it or not, a drop of sadness resonated in his voice. A low rumble of muttering punctuated the sudden silence that had fallen over the office. I turned slightly to watch Alec's next move and I saw just how the color had drained from his face. He appeared to be caught in a lunge to stop me from leaving, but with everyone's eyes watching, he was unable to follow through. Instead, he cleared his throat and proceeded with an awkward stride.

He was too late. The doors opened before he could take his first step and I hopped straight into the elevator. Once inside, I jammed on the close door button repeatedly. With a groan the elevator eventually complied, but at the last moment, when Alec's hopes would have been dashed, he decided to slip in. The doors shut and the carriage began its slow descent.

"Lex..." There was a pain in his voice, which shook with a low rumble in his throat. I blushed despite myself, but what pink luster of attraction may have coated my cheeks was quickly engulfed by the fiery red of anger.

"Are you going to stop the elevator too, like she did? You both seem so close."

"No, of course not," he said with an exasperated sigh. "And that's not how it is. If you would let me explain..."

"What is there to explain?" My words pierced through his and my voice shook with a fierceness that left him still and gaping. A sharp exhale flared my nostrils, while my lips sealed shut in a thin, tight line. I leaned back against a corner of the carriage and watched him from the tops of my eyes.

"Do I really have to say it? Let me explain how Tamara..."

"There's nothing to explain. You are my boss." I punctuated each word so that the full weight of the sentence filled the air. Its impact was apparent in the slouch of Alec's back and the gesture of his hand as it massaged his brow. I also felt the pressure of my words close in around my own lungs, making it hard to continue. "You are my boss so you have no obligation to tell me anything about your relationships."

He didn't respond, he just stared down into the floor. I wouldn't move farther on the matter. I kept my posture stiff and my breath shallow as I watched the numbers tick closer and closer to the lobby.

"But this isn't about me being your boss." He stepped forward, his hands reaching out, pleading.My breath caught as I shifted my weight away from him. My eyes jumped between the longing in his gaze and the glowing numbers rapidly reaching '1'.

"You are..."

The doors opened and the noise of the lobby stifled Alec's words, releasing any hold his apology may have had over me. Without looking back, I stepped out of the elevator, giving him a wide berth so he couldn't pull me back and disturb the fragile hold I had over my emotions.

I listened to catch any sign of pursuit, but all that greeted my ears was the echo of conversation and laughter in the high-ceilinged, marble lobby. For a moment, I actually felt hurt that he didn't follow me farther, that he didn't chase after me. However, I dashed those feelings against the wall. I knew I couldn't have both. It was hard to swallow, but the fact was that if I wanted him to treat me as his employee, then he had to be my boss. If I wanted him to be my lover, then he quite simply couldn't be my boss as well. That's just how I had to view my interactions from there on.

As I headed for the door, one sound did cut through the rumble of the crowd. Behind me, the elevator door bounced back with force and the loud rumble caused me to jump. I turned to find Alec standing there with his hand along the metal frame of the elevator, keeping it open and waiting.


"I'm feeling unwell and I want to rest up for tomorrow. If there's any more news on the charity, please pass it on to Emily. I'll get it from her tonight when I'm feeling better."

Somehow my voice didn't quake. To anyone passing by, it probably seemed like a curt, little exchange between two coworkers. So it should have been pride that finally compelled me to turn around and head out the building's large glass doors, but it was only a strong desire to simply be alone that had me rushing forward.


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