The Two Fish

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Emily quickened her approach after the doors closed behind our department head and as she drew closer to me, the moonlight properly illuminated her face and revealed the blush of embarrassment that had coated it.

"I am so sorry. I was so focused on finding you and I was just so happy to see you weren't broken down and crying or something, that I didn't really notice Alec there. I can't believe I just ruined...well, whatever was about to happen."

She ended in a sort of mumble and bit her lower lip as her eyes searched for forgiveness.

"Why did you think I would be crying out here?" I asked, not willing to dwell on the topic of what would have been.

"Well, I saw Tamara take Quinto out back. Then, as I was trying to figure out what they were up to I saw you and Alec sneaking away. I kind of ignored it after that. I figured Quinto and Tamara had business and you two were getting some fresh air or something..."

Again a blush of embarrassment reached up to her cheeks and her sheepish, apologetic smile made it all the redder. However, when I responded only in silence, waiting for her to finish her story, she finally continued.

"I kind of kept an eye on the door, hoping to see you come back all hot and flustered or with a big goofy grin on your face, but the first thing I saw was Quinto marching back in with a look of murder in his eyes. Then, I saw Tamara following close behind looking damn pleased with herself and I thought for certain she'd spotted you and got you kicked out or worse." She paused, her hands wringing together. "I got worried and ran out here right afterward. Then, well...I kind of ruined things..."

I laughed a little at Emily's innocent view of the proceedings and though she at first stumbled back with shock at my good nature over it, she eventually took some comfort. She offered a genuine smile and her whole posture loosened.

"Well, you weren't completely off," I said. "Tamara was being pretty smug because she had just won, but not because she had taken me down. It's Quinto she has under her thumb right now."

"What do you mean?" asked Emily with a gasp of surprise.

I proceeded to relay everything that took place after she left me and she listened on with wide-eyed interest.

"I can't believe all this happened without anyone noticing."

"Well that was the plan. We wanted everyone to enjoy the night. They deserve it. Speaking of which, how was your night with Theo?"

"Well..." She bit her lip as a smile threatened to tear her face apart. I didn't need to really hear how it went, which was good because I wasn't going to have the chance. At least not that night.

"There you are Emily," said Theo, running forward, seemingly oblivious to my presence. "I thought maybe I scared you away after that last dance." He joined her side and placed a hand around her which sat comfortably upon her waist. His head bowed down to meet her gaze and I knew then that I really was invisible at that moment.

"Oh no. No, definitely not. I just needed a breather, after that. It was..." Whatever it was, the memory brought color to Emily's cheeks and Theo's smile widened. "Umm," she said, turning to me, "Lex, we'll finish this conversation tomorrow. If that's okay."

"It's more than okay."

I gave Emily a devious grin and her skin turned a harsher shade of red. Theo, however, gave me a grateful smile and he wished me a good night before whisking his giddy date back to the ballroom.

With Emily gone I was alone in the courtyard with only the ancient figures of men and women long since past to the ages, their stoic gazes captured forever in the cool embrace of marble. I debated heading back to where the music continued to pound against the glass doors, but instead I looked to the stars.

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