Ten - A Not So Lonely Walk

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"If they say kill yourself, then you will try it"

Sippy Cup, Melanie Martinez 

"My bad!" was all Autumn offered to say after I told her about the fiasco in Literature. We're reading "All The Bright Places" by Jennifer Niven and let me just tell you, that book is to die for. I literally have read it at least three times.

"Oh well, it's just a week I suppose." Autumn smiles and nods. Currently, it's eight period - Art. I never got art teachers. I'm pretty sure Art is a way to express yourself, but are you really doing that when they tell you what to do step by step?

I rest my case. 

"I'm bored." Autumn whined, resting her right cheek in the palm of her hand. I groaned in response and checked the time. 

"Ten. More. Minutes," Each minute in a class like this could easily pass as a year. Or decade. Or a century! It's too bad I probably won't go down in history so I don't expect anyone to remember me for centuries.

The bell chimed signaling the final class of the day to be over. A smile perked up my lips as everyone blasted out the doors like rockets. Autumn waved goodbye to me and started jogging back home. I swear everyone is more fit and healthier than me. I'm just a girl who likes Nutella and Netfix. Not carrots and curl-ups. 

I looked around for Ivy's car, but of course I have no luck. For the third time I'm forced to walk home in the drenching hot sun. Or ride with Ashton.

I believe you know what's better. It just takes the tiniest amount of common sense and a dash of logic! Something old me greatly lacked!



After finishing all my homework, which took approximately four and a half hours (welcome to high school), I decided to go for a walk. 

Fascinating isn't it?

Autumn called me and asked to hang out, so now she's joining me. I don't mind though, she's always a good conversation starter and can save any crowd from an awkward silence.

It's still flesh-burning hot outside so I changed into a thin long sleeved shirt along with a pair of gym type shorts I barely wear. As long as I don't see anyone I know, I'll be fine. The park trail isn't usually crowded which left it calming and serene. 

The park is within walks reach of my home but I'm already walking the mile trail and this neighborhood is full of conceited imbeciles. If one of them catch me, the girl who was only known for being quiet, in their free arms range there really is no telling what they'd do. I'm ashamed to admit it but my peers have no limits. 

I climbed into my car trying to get used to the piercing hot leather seat drowning my thighs. It's mid-August and I'm just waiting for Autumn.

See what I did there?



"I have so much to talk to you about, regarding you my small bean!" Autumn chirped. I rolled my eyes as she rambled on with questions regarding what happened today in Literature.

"So who'd you partner up with?" As if it doesn't happen enough already, just when I thought I mentally cringed it was visibly projected. "Someone bad?"

"Nope. Just Conner." I smiled sarcastically. She cocked her head at me.

"I and a bunch of other girls would absolutely die to be in your shoes and here you are saying it like that's a bad thing," she gawked at me. 

"How cliché can you get?" She wore a proud smile and thrust her chest out. "I swear to god, you'll never change will you?" I muttered under my breath but said loud enough for her to hear.

"Never and can't!" She grinned back at me. A few joggers and people walking their dogs gaped at us before regaining their sense.

"It's never been harder for me not to pet a dog." Autumn groused while gazing at all the dogs that walked past us, small or big. I mumbled in agreement and watched them with her.

"You can always pet my dog," Conner loped towards Autumn and I along with one of his friends with tufted up black hair, Zack I believe.

"Sorry, I wouldn't pet a bastard like you." I smiled at him. His friend smirked and elbowed him. "That was a good one." He admitted to Conner.

"Doll, I'm hurt." he clutched his heart with his right hand and pouted at me while Autumn made googly eyes at him.

"I. Don't. Care."

"Of course you do," he smirked at me.

I made a long ERGH noise imitating a wrong button and followed it by snapping back, "I think you're mistaken. I mean of course I do not." I made sure to put an emphasis on "not".

"It'll be sooner or later when you're practically begging me to pay attention to you," the confident twinkle in his eye made me gag.

"Nope, with a capital N." 

"Yes, with a capital Y."




"Nah" He smirked.

"Yeah" I quickly realized what he was doing and shot him a glare. "Damn it!" His laugh roared through the trees and probably scared off dozens of poor birds.

Those poor birds.

He wiped a non-existent tear from the corner of his eye and reformed himself. "We better be off now, ladies." In a blink of an eye, he winked at us and ran off.

See what I did there?

"JADE!" Autumn's shrill scream probably scared off even more birds. I furrowed my eyebrows at her and she continued without considering the fact that yes indeed there are other people on this trail. "How could you have been so mean to someone so sweet and not to mention hot!" 

I gagged.

"Okay first of all, he is unquestionably not sweet and he's just a playboy. Secondly, he is not hot or attractive in any way!" She gasped.

"Is too!" Have I ever mentioned that she sometimes reminds me of a child I'm forced to babysit?

"Autumn that's such a childish thing to say! You're almost an adult!" 

"Whatever," she pushed her bottom lip out a little too dramatically and humphed like a toddler.

"It's late," and frankly I can't believe I'm saying this in the summer of New York but it was getting a bit chilly. "Wanna come over? We can invite Ivy." Her pout turned into a smile. A bigger smile. And then a huge sinister grin.

"Sleepover!" She squealed.


I really wish I could keep writing, like you don't even know what I have planned for Jade. I LOVE HAVING THE POWER TO MAKE MY CHARACTERS LIVES A LIVING HELL!

*insert evil cackle*

anywhoo, I'd like to take the time to thank you guys so much for getting "DOD" (as I'm calling it) TO #647 IN TEEN FICTION SCREAM

But really thank you so much, I would have never ever thought we would get this far<33

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't be a silent reader.




Lemon Pops & Gumdrops


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