Fifteen - No One Is Home!

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"You and me are the difference between real love and the love on TV, loveon TV"

Where Did The Party Go?, Fall Out Boy

"Whoa, where did the party go?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, standing on the bar counter with a crowd of people cheering me on. It wasn't much of singing, more of screaming.

A guy jumped onto the counter with me and started singing the next part. "I know I expect too much,
and not enough all at once" unlike me, he actually had a smooth voice.

"You know I only wanted fun and you got me all fucked up," I screamed back. To my surprise, he actually knew the song.

"I looked for your name on the Ouija board and you're making magic oh dear lord," he brushed his shaggy blonde hair out of his eyes to reveal stunning blue ones.

"You and me are the difference between real love and the love on TV, love on TV," he took my hand and smiled. "And all the boys are smoking Menthol's, girls are getting back rubs, I will drift to you if you make yourself shake fast enough," we sang together.

"My old aches become new again, my old friends become ex's again, yeah," he sang and the crowd, him and I sang the chorus together.

"Oh where did the party go? We were ending it on the phone, I'm not gonna go home alone. Where, where did the party go?"

The guy took my right hand and lead me off the counter carefully before I stumbled into his arms. "Oh Williams, you're going to kill me tomorrow morning," was the last thing I heard before everything went black.



The sunlight seeped through my eyelids but my throbbing headache ruined the positive mood. I rolled over and hit something warm which immediately made me shoot up out of bed.

"What the hell? Where am I?" I yanked the cover off the body and choked on my own spit. He was still sound asleep, so peaceful, so graceful.

That sounds really creepy.

"Get up!" I practically screeched into his ears. Soon a half-naked Conner was out of the sheets, with a half-smirk and a half-awake face. "Hey Williams."

"Why am I here? And not home?" He just yawned and made his way to his bathroom and started brushing his teeth.

At least he has proper hygiene.

"Here," he tossed me his unlocked phone. "Go on Instagram and that'll clear up all the confusion."

So for once, I did what I was told – which I really wish I hadn't done. Conner's feed was full of videos of a girl, namely I, Jade Williams, who was singing off-key and looking like the legitimate definition of drunk. Soon, a guy with bushy blonde hair which covered his eyes joined me.

I couldn't believe my eyes.


The video had two hundred likes already and the comments were disgusting – at least to me they were.

"They're #couplegoals!" said raindroptifannymop

"Still looking for my Jade hmu ladies" said josh.p

"@raindroptifannymop just watch! Conner is going to dump her sooner or later, plus the whore will get bored of him and just move along. He's going to come crawling back to me." Said delany.dawg. After that I couldn't read much further.

I could feel Conner's presence behind me so I snapped my head back with a scowl on my face. "You could have dropped me off home."

"If your parents saw me bring home an extremely drunk Jade, they'd never let me date their daughter." He winked at me, making my breath hitch in my throat.

"Just lead me to the front door."



I only had Sunday to finish up all of my homework. Waking up today was a complete disaster. This whole weekend was a disaster. Sure, so many girls would die to wake up in the Conner Peterson's bed without being heart broken. Not this girl. This girl only wakes up to empty cartons of Ben & Jerry and a dead laptop.

"Morning sunshine," my dad greeted me with a kiss to my forehead. "Mom went to work early and I better get going now." He glanced at his watch and waved to me.

"Bye dad." I muttered while pouring myself a bowl of cereal. Monday mornings were the most boring mornings, especially when I was alone. That was usually the case though. Although, I can't complain since my parents are workaholics yet they still spend time with me.

The doorbell ringing caught me off guard while I slipped into my high-waist white shorts and floral tank top. I jogged downstairs and peeked through the peep-hole.


No, no.

If it weren't for the guy spamming the doorbell I wouldn't have opened the door. But I needed to have mercy on my aching forehead so I did the most idiotic thing I could have done. More stupid than singing Fall Out Boy with Conner whilst drunk.

"Jade isn't home!" I called out and immediately cupped my face into my hands.

"Are you sure?" Ashton asked from behind the door and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I slowly opened the door with an unamused expression only to be greeted by his oh-so amused grin.

"You look great." He leaned against the door.

"Cut the crap, what do you want?"

"You." He wrapped one arm around my waist and another around my neck and pulled me closer to him. "I want you," he whispered into my ear.

"Well news-flash honey-dumpling, I don't want you." I pulled away from him and tried closing the door but he stuck his foot out.

"I'm not saying you have a choice," his low growl shocked me, but I refused to let that show.

"But I'm saying I do."

"Listen up buttercup," he waltzed his way into the foyer, shutting the door behind him. "I don't do sass," he paused for a second and looked me dead in the eye, "I'm putting my foot down sweetheart." He cornered me to the wall and twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers.

"You're mine and only mine."


ew it's Ashton.


Also I'd like to mention that if you're trying to private message me, I haven't been receiving my private messages but I'll try getting that fixed soon!

Lastly, I'm curious to hear from you guys! Let's start simple. Who do you ship with Jade or any of the other characters? Conner, Autumn, Delaney, Jenna, bryan, Ashton, Ivy??



just kidding we're all good over here

or are we?

yup we are!

are you really?

i dunno.... winkwink

Candy Fluff & Kitty Scruff


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