Chapter 3

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We're moving today.

I can't stop crying. Liam is depressed because I'm sad; I guess it's a mate thing.

I guess I should be a little more freaked out that I'm going to be living in a house full of werewolves, the pack house, but I'm not. I've been living with wolves my entire life I just haven't known.

I haven't helped at all. I've just been lying on the floor in my room.

Someone knocked and I completely ignored them.

I heard the door open and made no move to show I heard them.

"Chloe lying on the floor isn't going to stop this," Justin sighed while pulling at my arm.

"Let me go," I emotionlessly stated.

"Fine," he stated. I hate it when he does that. He knows in the end I'm going to lose. I'll be dragged out of this house. I mean no one is seeing this my way.

I'm going to be driven somewhere that I have no idea where I am and then have to be helped around because I won't have a clue how to even get to the bathroom! I'm going to call a strange house home? No way is this going to work.

"Have you ever thought that you're the one that's wrong?" Justin asked. I could hear him moving my things.

"I'm not," I shrugged.

"Really so everyone else is wrong?" He scoffed.

"Precisely," I childishly replied.

"You're being childish this is for your own safety," he growled.

"JUSTIN just shut up! If someone breaks into the house how the hell am I supposed to escape? I'll be an easy target just the stupid blind girl," I shouted tears streaming down my face.

"That's what this is about?" He asked.

"Just leave me alone," I whispered while standing up and walking out the door.

I walked to the front door and felt around for the doorknob. I finally found it and opened the door. I walked out and sat in the grass.

Seriously how am I wrong? If this pack is after our pack isn't it putting me in more danger to move me into the house that the Dark Valley pack is probably watching?

I hate not understanding!

I feel like someone's watching me.

"Justin?" I asked.

"This isn't funny whose here?" I asked.

"What?" Liam asked from behind me.

I screamed out of fright and then slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Why are you screaming what happened?" Liam worriedly asked while hugging me.

"What happened?" I heard Justin growl.

"Chloe?" Liam asked.

"Liam scared me I didn't know anyone was out here," I explained.

"Chloe when I got out here you were already talking," Liam stated.

"Was someone out here with you," Justin almost shouted.

"No," I whispered.

"Did you hear someone or sense it?" Justin asked.

"I just felt like someone was watching me," I shrugged.

That was obviously the wrong answer because I was being carried back into the house. The sparks flying through me told me it was Liam.

Love Is Blind, Well At Least My Mate Is (SAMPLE)Where stories live. Discover now