Chapter 5

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School is really annoying. I mean I think people in prison have more freedom than I do right now.

It's great having Liam in all my classes but he's determined to get me to learn and do my own work like what's that about?

We are currently in our last class of the day, chemistry.

"Come on Chlo," Liam encouraged.

"Liam," I groaned.

"Please baby," he begged.

I melted. I love hearing him call me that.

He placed the pencil back in my hand and I sighed.

"Okay so the first question is 'name the first element of the periodic table'," Liam stated.

"That's easy," I declared.

"So write it," he chuckled.

"Where?" I asked.

He took my hand with the pencil in it and placed it where I'm assuming the answer needs to go.

"Why can't you write it for me?" I asked.

"Because you're Miss Independent," he joked.

"And you're not funny," I smirked.

"Just write the answer," he laughed.

I wrote Hydrogen and then moved my hand.

"That's pretty good," he stated.

I laughed because I could tell he was glorifying it slightly.

After school Liam and I went back to the pack house. I can't believe that place is my home now. I mean with Liam there it feels safe and like home I just wish it were back in the house I grew up in. The house that everything happened in, and the place where I could easily get around and find my way without needing help.


Chloe has been zoning out for the past half hour. She said I should watch TV and she likes to listen to it but I know she hasn't been paying any attention.

I'm not either however. I would rather stare at her over anything else.

I just need to figure out what the Dark Valley pack wants. I don't know why but I have a feeling it's Chloe. I might just be paranoid but I need her. I need her forever and she needs me. I love her already and I've only known her for a few days.

I have to figure out exactly what happened to her. I need to know everything. And I plan on finding out soon.


I wasn't listening to the TV and I can tell Liam was watching me. I think he knows that I'm not even listening to it.

I was more focused on why he finds me so fascinating.

I wish I could stare at him, even if it were just for a second. I want to see his eyes light up when he talks about something he likes and I want to see him smile when he laughs, I love his laugh.

"Chlo?" He asked.

"Yea?" I replied while turning my head in his direction.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"I was wondering what makes me so fascinating that you want to stare at me more than the show," I smirked.

I jumped when he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap.

"Jerk," I laughed.

"You're just cute as hell," he mumbled while kissing my head.

"Liam hell isn't cute," I pointed out.

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