Chapter 43

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Bill arrived at Level Seven for the scheduled debriefing with Daphne Gilchrist. He followed her personal assistant inside the boardroom, expecting to see a full turnout for this debriefing. It surprised him to see just three people. Gilchrist sat at the top of the long table, while Suzanne Brett and Simon Shaw, his boss from the ITF London office, sat on either side of her.

As if Gilchrist had read his thoughts, she said, 'There won't be anyone else joining us today. This is a closed debriefing. The others will be informed in due course about the outcome of today's meeting.' She gestured to a seat at the other end of the table.

Bill took it, glad for the distance from the others. But he couldn't help but wonder why so few were in attendance.

'Let's begin, shall we?' Gilchrist clasped her hands on the table. 'We've received your files from both meetings and reviewed the evidence. But now I would like to hear your version of events.'

Bill steadied his nerves before launching into the rehearsed details. He recounted his orders to the military personnel not to approach the target. He kept the anger out of his voice as he explained how their advances had spooked the target. He mentioned Caldwell and Page by name, the culprits in this subordination, and their subsequent chase that led them to the New Victoria Maglev station.

The trio sat in silence. Brett and Shaw nodded. Only Gilchrist asked the occasional question to clarify. Were Brett and Shaw there for show, or as witnesses? After fifteen minutes, he summarised.

'So, where do you think we should go from here?' said Gilchrist.

Bill had given that a lot of thought on the journey back to Earth. 'It's likely the Indigene won't risk surfacing again for some time. I suggest we wait.'

'Wait?' Gilchrist arched a brow.

'Yes. Just a few months and then track them when they finally resurface.'

'Is that it?'

'No. We have a list of people on Exilon 5 who have made inadvertent contact with the Indigenes before this. My plan is to talk to them and get a different angle on our investigations. It also appears the Indigenes prefer to hunt at night and have surfaced in locations we are familiar with. It wouldn't take much effort to set up vigils in the wastelands between the cities, to catch them there.'

He knew the solutions he'd offered were weak, but he'd suggest anything to get back to Exilon 5. It was his best shot at turning the mission around and finding Isla.

'You proposed some interesting solutions.' Gilchrist rested a finger on her lips. 'But I'm not sure we have the time, or personnel, to waste on mere chances we might find the aliens.'

To his disappointment, Shaw and Brett nodded; he assumed that at least Simon Shaw, his ITF boss, would back him. Bill scrambled to defend his position.

'Look, whatever you decide, I want to stay on this investigation.'

Gilchrist leaned forward. 'It's not about what you want, Bill. It's about what's best for this mission.'

His thinly veiled calm slipped away. 'With all due respect, Ms Gilchrist, I am what's best for this mission. And you can tell Deighton I said ​that. Just give me another chance. Let me pick my team this time and—'

'There was nothing wrong with your team. Your poor handling of the situation led to the breakdown of communication. Mr Deighton is aware of your abilities, but he doesn't like failure, not when it relates to a threat of this magnitude. We must get the situation under control.'

Genesis Code, (Book 1, Genesis Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin