Chapter 46

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Bill stumbled away from the Indigene stood before him. His back hit the door with a thud. He stared at Stephen. Laura was close by and he reached for her.

'Laura, I need you to come to me. Now. You have no idea how dangerous this Indigene is.'

She took a tentative step towards him, but not in fear. It was as if she wanted to reassure him.

'He's not dangerous, Bill.'

'Of course he is. He... They killed my...' He couldn't say it.

She took another step forward. 'Your wife?'

Bill's heart hardened. 'What the hell do you know about that?'

'I'm sorry,' said Laura. Her voice sounded calm, but he could see her trembling. 'I have information. I know you're looking for answers. You need to know the Indigenes are not to blame.'

'It has to be them. Who else could it be?' Bill kept his eyes fixed on Stephen, expecting him to make a move. He swiped at Laura hoping to catch her arm, but she kept enough of a distance between them.

'The government, Bill. Has been all along. They were responsible for Isla's disappearance. They killed her.'

He dropped his arm and straightened. 'What?'

'The World Government and the ESC are involved in bad things. Isla got too close to the truth. She got close to the Indigenes and tried to help them.'

'Yes, and they punished her for it.' He squared up to the Indigene who lowered his head, but not his eyes.

'No.' Laura bridged the gap between them and placed her hand on Bill's chest. Her touch softened the edges of his rage. 'Listen to me. It wasn't the Indigenes. They had nothing to do with her disappearance. It was Deighton and Gilchrist. She's dead.'

Bill shook his head at her. 'You're lying. If she was dead, they would have told me. Where did you get this information from?'

'Files about the investigation. And letters.'


Stephen moved and Bill snapped his eyes back to the Indigene. He pushed Laura's hand away.

She blocked Stephen's path, and pleaded with the Indigene. 'Please, I know it's difficult being here with us.'

'Tell me why you investigated us and I won't kill you,' Stephen said to Bill. 'I don't wish to stay here longer than necessary.'

'Please, your fight is not here, with us.' Laura grabbed Stephen's arm like he was a friend—a move that turned Bill's stomach. 'We are all the same. We are fighting for the same thing.'

'Let him go, Laura.' Bill made a tight fist. 'If he wants a fight, I'll give him one.'

'Not until he understands what he is.' She looked at Stephen. 'If you still want to fight us after what I tell you, then go ahead. We don't deserve your forgiveness.'

'What are you saying?' said Bill. 'You have no idea what he's capable of.'

'I know everything about him. His origin, his creation.'

Bill and Stephen stared at Laura.

'His creation?' said Bill. 'What are you talking about? What do you know?'

'If you're to help each other, you must know everything about him, including where he came from. You have to know what he is. Are you ready for that?'

'Tell me, what is he?' said Bill.

Stephen remained rigid in his stance. His wild gaze fixed on Laura as he also waited for her answer.

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