27 - Grief (1 of 2)

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Beneath the stains of time

The feelings disappear

You are someone else

I am still right here

27 - Grief

I was falling. Then I wasn't.

I could feel gravity pulling me down, smell the smoke from the nearest sinkhole, the coolness of the wind on my skin.

My knees shook. This time, I let myself be weak and fall to the ground, sob like a child. I kept my eyes shut, praying to whoever might be listening to please let this be a dream.

With my head between my arms, I waited for Cairo to move. He didn't. He was still on one knee, eyes closed.

"Cai," I called, nudging him.

As I feared, he stayed stock-still. What now? I asked myself, hoping that the older-wiser me would have an answer. But I guess not even a thousand years of existence could prepare anyone for this.

Aramis! Alex's voice rang in my head. Are you there?

I clasped a hand over my mouth before answering "Yes," as if he would notice I was crying through my thoughts.

"Where are you?"

Looking around, I tried to reorient myself.

"Main Gate Eleven."

"What were you thinking going there?"

"I wasn't thinking. I messed up. I... Dad's dead."

There wasn't an immediate answer.

"Don't you move. I'll be right there in a minute."

So I waited. My legs wouldn't move anyway. I just sat there with the motionless Cairo, watching the smoke from the hole reach the heavens, strangely relieved that Alex couldn't get here fast enough.

Alexis and Amyr eventually arrived, out of breath, faces dotted with sweat.

"Cairo," Alex called, waving a hand in front of his brother's face.

"He wouldn't wake up," I said, realizing the meaning of Cairo's last words. "He didn't come back with me. Carter, Dad and now... Cairo."

My voice was weak, hoarse. But I had already composed myself. At least that was what I thought until Amyr hunkered down and placed his arms around me.

I broke down. The tears I thought had run dry came flooding my eyes.

"Did they have to die? Did they all have to die because of me?"

Amyr never answered. Neither did Alex.

How we got back to the motel room was a blur to me. All I remembered doing was staring at Cairo's face.

"He's alive," Alex reassured me as he finished examining his brother. He got up from the side of the bed, lowering his head to catch my gaze. "Just... asleep. We will just have to wait for him to wake up."

"When?" I asked, my voice mechanical.

With a sigh, Alex massaged the bridge of his nose. "As soon as he returns to his body."

"What if he doesn't?"

The door opened and Vincent came in, his eyes focused on the bed where Cairo lay, but not exactly on Cairo.

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