31 - Yes

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I'm so scared of you, though nothing's wrong,

You're my new idea of everything I want.

I'm so bad at this, got a heavy heart.

And I've been tossed around and thrown back down, and torn apart.

31 -- Yes  

It took more concentration to jam the key into the Rubicon's door. My hands trembled uncontrollably and I felt nauseous.

"I'll drive."

It was the first time Amyr spoke since dealing with Sharifa. His expression was impossible to read as he caught my hands with a firm grip. The keys stopped clinking when he picked it up from my cold, clammy hands.

Afraid he would see through me, I dropped my gaze while waiting for the others to get in. I followed Kyoshiro and Mei into the backseat.

Amyr started the vehicle and drove without being told. Obviously, he knew where Vincent was. And still, no one bothered--dared--to tell me anything. I didn't probe. It wasn't like it would make any difference now.

I have to admit; it hurt that Vincent still hid things from me. I couldn't blame him, though. I hadn't been completely honest to him either.

"Now, this ritual," Kyoshiro said from the other end of the backseat. "We stop it, we're good, right?"

Vladimir leaned over from the shotgun seat, looking too tired to have this conversation. "As long as Vincent doesn't consent to it, the Binding ritual would not commence. But--"

"There's the but," the Tenth muttered snidely, deliberately cutting off his brother in mid-sentence. "There's always a but! Please, do tell what the but is."

Resting his head back, Vladimir closed his eyes for a moment. "Even if Legion doesn't complete the ritual, she's still capable of massive destruction. As of now, her power is... limited."

Kyoshiro whistled. "Limited," he repeated sarcastically. "Even if we fight her all at once now, it's not going to be an even match. We are way in over our heads this time."

Letting out a long, tired sigh, Vladimir knotted his brows in deep thought. "And worse, Belial thinks that if we don't defeat Legion before the eclipse ends, she will achieve full power. It will be the beginning of the Apocalypse and nothing--not even us--will be strong enough to stop it."

"On the bright side, we have the Grimoire," Kyoshiro pointed out, succeeding to flash a grin. "Once we shove the bitch back to her prison cell in Halo, we don't have to worry about Vincent going dark--"

"He's not going to," I said before he could finish. My voice was low, but a little too defensive than intended. "He will never say yes to her."

"Of course, he won't," Vladimir agreed, the optimism of his voice absent on his face. "Never."

Forcing a nod, Kyoshiro leaned back and closed his eyes. Vladimir trailed into silence as he stroked Byron Flynn's fur. Giving me a look of concern, Mei placed a hand over mine and gently squeezed it as if telling me that everything was going to be alright.

I wanted to believe her, but it all sounded too simple.

No one said another word. It had been several minutes and there were no signs that we were getting there anytime soon, since everyone else seemed to have taken their well-deserved naps.

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