Chapter 2

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Brooke in the media box.

Chapter 2- Truths and Threats

" Where the is anger, there is always pain underneath"

I love books.

All books to be exact; Classic, adventure, fantasy, romance.

They all are magical in their own way.

Books are the only form of true magic.

They had the power to transform the entire universe into something amazing. One paragraph, one page, one word can change the world.

Words have a strange hold on a persons mind- dangerous or good. Words have the power to change a persons mind, a persons views, beliefs, dreams.


And I find that so beautiful that just one small thing can change so many things.

I love the smell of new books but I love the appearance of old, worn books

There is something so pleasing in reading a book that so many more have enjoyed.

In a world as ugly as ours, maybe books could be our saviour. Save us all from the insanity that seems to want us all.

I ran my fingers over the old books, welcoming the bitter scent of worn out paper. A pleased ghost of a smile blossomed on my face. A door slammed shut behind me yet I didn't move.

I wanted to cherish this moment.

" You stabbed one of my best men." I shifted around until I was facing the man. His eyes automatically stared at my breasts and I strongly resisted the urge to punch him as I tried to control my laboured breathing. His eyes quickly diverted themselves and he coughed awkwardly.

I narrowed my eyes.

" So you're the big bad gang leader, huh."

He rubbed the back of his neck, " Yeah."

" So Mr big, bad gang-leader, care to tell me why you had your men break into my house and attempt to kidnap me at 3am?" I requested, my fingers folding tightly over the book in my hand.

" My names Brooke."

I narrowed my eyes at his suddenly confident posture. He was trying to look strong and over throw me.



That wasn't going to happen.

" I didn't ask that did I?" I hissed dangerously.

" I..." He hesitated. " I need your help."

I raised an eyebrow and took my hand away from the bookcase, giving him my full attention.

" It took a lot for you to admit that, didn't it?" He nodded and looked into my eyes. " With what?" I asked.

" The Demonios took my brother. The rival gang." He explained after seeing my confused expression.

" The Demons? Nice. I'm guessing you're called The Angels?" I laughed tauntingly.

" No, we're Liberté." He confirmed, listing the name of the third most dangerous gangs to ever had existed as if it was nothing.

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