Truce... *

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Hey guys here's my second fanfic ever! Don't worry I will still update The Nightmares but I came up with this story in the middle of my English lesson today to I had to write it. Enjoy!

🚨Edit: I am going through and editing spelling errors etc. (09/11/18)🚨 * means edited

Draco's POV
I already knew I was a Veela from the day I could understand words. However, I would gain my inheritance at the age of 18 just before my 8th Year at Hogwarts. Voldemort had been defeated and peace fell over the wizarding world. This summer had been amazing. My abusive father was taken to Azkaban and my mother and I had been saved by Harry Potter. Harry had come out after the war, much to Ginny's horror, but the rest of the wizarding community was very supportive of him. I was also gay however only my mother knew. I had asked my mother one day about who my mate would be and if I were to be gay would they be a guy. That's when she clicked. She hugged me and told me she would support me whatever sexuality I was.

It was the day of my eighteenth birthday and I was terrified! I had heard about how painful it could be and that I would probably pass out from the pain. That was really encouraging! I started to prepare the night before gathering food and water so that I didn't have to leave my room. I didn't want my mother to see me in pain but at the same time I wanted her there to comfort me through it.

The day came, and I didn't know when it was going to start. I was pacing my room and getting impatient. Then there was a knock at the door. "Draco, dear, let me in." My mother's soft voice could be heard from the other side of the door. I walked over and unlocked it. She stepped inside and hugged me. "Happy Birthday Son!" She cheered. She never failed to put a smile on my face. We talked for a while and she suddenly remembered something. She left the room and re-entered with a letter. "Here this is from Harry." She handed me a letter that said Harry would be coming over to see me.

"Why would he want to see me?" I questioned her. She shrugged and continued to make my room as comfortable as possible for the day of terror I was about to have. I re-read the letter and saw that he was coming at 10 it was 5 to now!! "Mother, Potters coming in 5 minutes!"

"Yes, and I will go great him and bring him upstairs." She turned to walk towards the door. "I'll be back in a moment."

Oh my gosh Harry was coming over. What was I going to tell him if it starts? I let it slide and continued to prepare. I looked at the time it was five past ten. He was late of course! Just then I heard the floo sound and voices began muttering. Potter seemed to be frantically apologising about his lateness before I heard them coming up the stairs and towards my room. I began pacing. Why was I nervous?

"Hey Draco!" Harry came into the room followed by my mother. "Happy Birthday!" He cheered handing me a small gift.

"What's this for?" Confused as to why he was being so kind.

"Draco I'd like a truce. I don't want to fight anymore, I'm done fighting for a long time." He began to look at his shoes.

"Of course Harry" I spoke. "It sounds like a great plan!" Suddenly relieved I opened the small box and a glass snitch flew out. It hovered for a while before landing in the plan of my hand. "Oh, Harry it's beautiful!" I spoke before I realised I sounded like a girl.

"It's ok no problem." He looked up.

"Harry what a lovely gift." My mother spoke. Harry blushed. I placed the snitch in the box and placed it on my bedside desk.

"Thank you." I said turning to see Harry and my mother talking about something. Suddenly a sharp pain stabbed me in the back and I fell to the floor. Harry ran over to ask what was wrong.

"Please leave. I don't want you two to see!" I groaned.

"Draco, Harry and I are going to stay and look after you!" My mother spoke sternly.

"What's going on? What am I staying for?" Harry looked horrified.

"I'm a Veela and today's the day I get my inheritance." I explained what was going to happen and how I would get a mate and would have to be with them forever.

"Well...." Harry spoke after I had finished. "I will stay and help your mother with whatever you need." He explained.

"Thank you, Harry." My mother said. Another sharp pain stabbed me again and I lay down with Harry and my mother looking over me.

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