Professor Potter *

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Harry's POV
I looked around the Great Hall as the sorting started. I would be teaching all these people not much younger than me and some older. I was extremely excited to start.

Once the sorting had finished the feast began. I really wanted to be with Draco and the others but I knew the arrangements and I had to stick by them. I sat next to Hagrid and we talked about how far I had come. He began to get a bit upset when we talked about my youth.

"I'm sorry I took you to that horrible muggle family Harry. You would have been better off with me." He cried.

"Don't worry Hagrid its over now and I'm fine." I gave him a hug and I spotted Draco looking at me. I winked and he smiled going back to his dinner.

"So Harry got yourself a man then?" Hagrid laughed spotting the interaction between Draco and I.

"Yeah, he's lovely really."

"I never thought I'd see the day that you two were together." He chuckled. "I remember times I've had to pull you to apart while you were swinging at each other."

"Yeah that's all behind us now." I laughed.

The rest of the feast flew by and it was time to go to our dorm. I had been given the password for it and I got out from the table bidding my fellow teachers goodnight and getting a smile from McGonagall. I walked over to Draco who had already gotten up to leave. We said goodnight to Hermione and Ron before leaving hand in hand.

We reached our new dorm and went though the painting. It was amazing. It had living space, a small kitchen, a lovely bathroom and a huge bedroom.

"Wow this is amazing!" I spoke.

"It really is Professor." Draco joked.

"Dray don't do that." I teased.

"You're one of the hottest teachers I've ever seen!" He walked over to me. Next thing we knew we were kissing. When we had finished we got dressed for bed and I got out my papers and began to plan my lessons for tomorrow.

"Do I have you tomorrow?" Draco asked.

"Yeah last thing." I told him. "That's good because we can just come back here together to get ready for dinner."

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss you in lessons." He frowned.

"Well you'll get to have me teach you instead." I joked.

"Yeah? Well I can't really bully the teacher can I."

"You bully me anyway." I laughed.

"True." He giggled.

Once I had finished planning we got into bed and cuddled before falling asleep.

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