A New Faction

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Predator's POV

Ruby ran to get Professor Ozpin while I stayed with this General Ironwood guy.

Ironwood: Who was that person?

Predator: First off. Who the hell are you?

Ironwood: I would watch that tone of voice if I were you young man.

Predator: Not in the mood general.

Ozpin and Goodwitch came up with Ruby.

Ozpin: Ruby. Please go back to your friends and hang out with them. After all you don't get many chances like this.

Ruby: You sure?

Ozpin: I'm sure of it Ruby.

Ruby: Ok. See ya love.

Predator: See ya rose.

She left us together.

Ozpin: I wish to know what happened here Predator.

Ironwood: Predator?

I explained everything that happened to us. The rooftops, the fight, and the lady herself.

Ozpin: That was rather informative. Thank you. General Ironwood this is the man we spoke about with the paladin.

Ironwood: So you're the owner of that paladin.

What about it?

Ozpin: Predator this is general Ironwood: Leader of the Atlas military and overseer of the kingdom of Atlas.

Already have a bad feeling about this. I bet he wants Legion.

Predator: What do you want?

Ironwood: As you know the kingdom of Atlas is willing to do whatever it takes to defend our ho-.

Predator: Cut the bullshit general. What do you want with my Titan?

Ironwood: You are a rather rude person to be around.

Predator: Well when you have to murder a personal friend along with several of your paladins stolen by a radical group, you ain't exactly the happiest person here.

Ironwood gave me a death stare as I approached him.

Predator: So I'm just gonna say it once and only once. What the hell do you want with Titan?

Ironwood: Research.

He walked away from me and around the room.

Ironwood: Ozpin informed me of your Titan's capabilities in the Emerald Forest. I didn't believe him at first so we sent a scout team to monitor you and your Titan. After analyzing you we came to a conclusion. We need paladins like yours Predator. And with that we need to have it in our-.

Predator: Absolutely not!

Ironwood: Excuse me?

Predator: Answer me this general. How advanced is your army?

Ironwood: The most advanced in Remnant.

Predator: Strike 1. What do your men become after training?

Ironwood: They become soldiers and a select few become specialists..

Predator: Strike 2. Now could your army take over the planet if necessary?

Ironwood: I guess if we had to we could.

Predator: And strike 3!

Ironwood: What are you on about!?

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