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Sapphira's room was large and decorated with dozens of shimmering rocks. It had a large window, which was really just a significant portion of stone, with an intricate design cut into it, which allowed her to see outside her room. However, she couldn't actually get out through the window. It wasn't designed to be opened. After all, they couldn't have their princess running off or being kidnapped like that.

Not that it would matter if she went through the window, though. Her view from it was not of the city, but rather a large wall, ten feet from the window. It had a ceiling which connected to the palace, so there was no escape there. The only thing worth looking at through the window was the luminescent design in the wall, which looked like a giant jellyfish.

There was not much to see through the window, usually, but it was the first place Sapphira had met Alizarin after they were brought to the palace.

She was eight when it happened. She'd been crying at the time. She'd cried often as a child since she spent most of her time locked away (for her own protection, of course). The only people she ever saw were servants and they didn't help to ease her loneliness. Her parents sometimes came to see her or took her out, but she was always well-guarded and they were usually too busy for her. Even when she was around other people, it seemed like they never spoke to her, properly. Therefore, she often found herself alone in her room, wishing for someone to talk to.

Her wish came true when a voice from the window asked, "Are you okay?"

Sapphira jumped and stared at him in shock. "What are you doing out there?"

"Why are you crying?" he retorted.

"I wasn't crying and you shouldn't speak to the Glemoran heir that way," she did her best to hide her embarrassment behind haughtiness, but it wasn't really effective, coming from an eight-year-old.

"So, you're the princess," he noted. "Why is a princess crying? I thought you'd be happier."

She frowned at his refusal to be daunted by her title. "It's none of your business. What are you doing outside my room, anyway? Were you spying on me?"

"No." He paused as he thought about it. "Not intentionally. I was just swimming by here and heard you crying."

She stared at him in confusion. "How did you get in the wall?"

"The wall?" He turned to look at it and shrugged. "I didn't notice it. I was already inside, I guess." He turned back to her. "To be honest, this is the first time I left my room. That wall's pretty, isn't it?"

"I hate it," she said without thinking. "I can never see anything else from here because of it."

"Ah." He rubbed his neck and looked at it again. "I guess I can see how that might be boring."

She considered what else he had said and frowned. "So you were already in the wall? Do you live in the palace?"

He nodded. "Just down that way." He pointed to the right. "I snuck out, though. Promise not to tell?" He offered her a hopeful smile.

"I won't tell," she agreed. "But who are you?"

"I'm Alizarin."

She stared at him for a moment and swam closer, so she could get a look at his tail. "I've heard of you. It really is red, isn't it?"

He frowned as he followed her gaze. "I know it's not pretty like yours, but I can't really do anything about it."

Sapphira glanced at her own blue tail. "Right." She looked back at his. "I've never seen a red one, before. It's so bright."

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