Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Krista sensed a bond between herself and the tiger.

They had both been taken from their homes and thrown into a new world of abuse and starvation.

But Krista equally knew that that same bond was to be tested as the gong rang out again, causing silence to fall across every slave and serf in the square-tunnel cages.

Then the sound of keys turning in the locks made everyone turn.

The tiger lifted its heavy body up onto its paws and, as if sensing some great danger, retreated from the bars, leaving Krista.

Glancing at the magnificent beast one last time her eyes beheld another creature of far less magnitude and grace; the male slave that had not stopped watching her from his place in the shadows.

His intent stare made Krista nervous.

Was she supposed to fear him? He had not shown any brilliant display of strength that made her in awe of his prowess and nor did she intend to be.

Turning her back on him in a show of defiance, she lifted her gaze and looked towards the gate where their master, Commander Niclaus, was conversing with a man of low background.

He looked like he could be a slave if it wasn't for the lack of chains around his ankles and the lack of a visible brand on his arm.

His hair was as dry as the sand and his shallow eyes raked across the crowd of slaves like a vulture at a buffet table.

"Take your pick, Master Lucius." Commander Niclaus stepped through the opened gate and swung his arm in such a manner that suggested Lucius was free to choose.

Lucius took the chance to stroll down their lines, his hands grabbing men's arms and slapping the women's hinds as if they were animals for his pleasure and he was testing the toughness of their meat.

"You have some very fine merchandise here, Niclaus!" Lucius rubbed his hands together, his tongue darting out to lick his cracked lips as his eyes travelled down the women's chests.

Commander Niclaus's lips pulled into a thin line as he heard a common man using his Christian name.

Krista was thankful to have even a little bit of cloth to cover her chest; some of the women there had not even a thread to reserve their pride.

They had a thin veil wrapped around their hips for a small amount of dignity and mystery but nothing more.

"Oh, oh!" Lucius called as he stopped a few slaves short of Krista, his eyes beholding Martha's bloodied face.

"It seems you have a runt." Lucius gazed at Martha like a bag of gold had just been dropped at his feet.

Niclaus stormed to his side and everybody froze as he took in Martha's face with controlled rage.

"My master will not pay for damaged goods," Lucius shook his head in mock pity for the commander, "but maybe we could come to an agreement?"

Niclaus was bristling beneath his armour and he was looking at Martha like he would feed her to the tigers for free.

"I will take this girl here," Lucius nodded to Martha as he withdrew the leather pouch at his side and started to empty a few gold coins into his hand, "And three of your best fighters for . . ."

Krista glanced the mere few denarii that had been dropped into the commander's hand.

"My stock is worth more than a few silver coins! Even damaged!" Commander Niclaus roared at the greedy man with small eyes; the commander's frame looming large in the low-ceiling cell.

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