Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 

The sword was light in her hand as drums echoed through the arena.

Stepping out from under the canopy of the tunnel, Krista became instantly bathed in light as the sun beat down on her warm flesh.

The thriving crowds cheered her name as she was introduced. 

Krista lifted her gaze up towards the thousands of people that stared down at her from above. Their roars of encouragement were infectious, making her want to fight, making her want to win.

The thick layer of sand crunched beneath her boots as she made her way across the vast arena, big enough to hold double the population of Ludus Magnus within its walls.

Krista felt overwhelmed by it's size as she passed pools of blood that were being soaked up by the dry sand that hungered for the thick substance like a drunk hungered for wine.

She saw the body of a man being dragged away and wondered how he had met his end. 

But the thought was gone as quickly as it came as she knelt before the Emperor and his posse of slaves and senators.

The Commander lounged in a chaise just to the side of the senators, his eyes burning into her skin as she remained kneeled.

Another round of applause erupted and through the haze of thundering cheers, Krista heard the rattle of chains as the gate at the other end of the arena was opened to reveal her opponent, Agnes of Rhodemptra.

Stealing a glance over her shoulder, her helmet partially restricting her view, Krista saw a woman with flaming red hair bouncing against her back as she thrust her sword into the air with enthusiasm.

The crowds loved nothing more than a gladiator that they thought would give them a good show. 

Turning back to face the front as Agnes joined her on the ground, sticking her blade into the sand and kneeling before it.

Agnes was offering her sword to the Emperor but there was only one man who Krista would offer her sword for and that was the Commander, when she ran it through his heart.

The Emperor gave them his blessing, like he did with every match, before he sat back on his throne and picked up a bushel of grapes that had been resting in a bowl by his side.

Krista didn’t even glance at her opponent as she stood, the Empress smiling coyly down at her.

The cheering of the crowds had grown silent, only the heavy drums filling their ears, as Krista and Agnes returned to the centre of the arena and faced each other.

Agnes was dressed in chain mail with the majority of her body exposed. Shoulder guards, a helmet  and a circular shield resting upon her left arm was the only armour she had been provided.

She wore no boots and she was armed with a sword just like Krista.

Krista took a deep breath, her eyes closing, as the faceless crowds blurred into the background and the drums grew silent, until it was only her and Agnes.

Krista felt her heart slow to a calm beat and her muscles relax, until she could hear the sound of foot moving through soft sand.

The sword was warming up in her palm, the metal familiar to her, as Agnes made the first move.

Krista tilted her head to the side as she heard the soft whisper of Agnes’s blade slicing through the air.

Snapping her eyes open, Krista deflected the blow with her sword, the ringing of metal upon metal fading out as further strikes followed.

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