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Idira slipped back through the raised garden beds and into the warm glow of the house. She checked on her father, who snored, loud, on his pillows. She scoffed, so much for remorse if he could sleep like a baby after what he'd just said. She went to the table and sat down to wait, preparing herself, thinking of what she was going to say.

The clanking drew closer, right up to the bottom steps of the house. It stopped.

'Idira!' a man's voice called out, commanding.

Her head came up. The voice sounded a little like Logan's. She jumped up, knocking over her chair in her haste to get to the door. She flung it open, and there, stood in a full suit of armour—a little dented in places—his helm caught up under the crook of his arm, was Logan, looking every bit just like one of the heroes from her fairytale books, handsome, strong, and battle-scarred.

'Start packing,' he said, abrupt.

'What?' Idira asked, as Unambi came forward and Logan nodded at him. 'Why?'

He glanced up at the quiet sky, sparkling with its innocent carpet of stars, wary. 'Demons, from another world, attacking all over Azeroth from their sky ships. You're not safe here.'

'I thought demons can't exist without a warlock to summon them,' Idira said, struggling to keep up. 'There is no such thing as real demons.'

Logan laughed, bitter. 'If only. Pack, we leave tonight.'

'Where are we going?'

'Stormwind, it's safest for you there.'

Idira glanced at Unambi. She looked back at Logan. 'And Unambi?'

'I'll look after you from now on. With these new, dangerous times upon us, you need to be somewhere more secure than here.' He turned to address Unambi. 'You know you can't come to Stormwind. It's time for you to head back to your people. Probably best to stick to the coastline.'

'You've changed,' Idira said, noticing how brusque and commanding Logan had become, all his edges honed to a brutal, razor sharpness.

'I'm alive,' he answered, curt. He waved a gauntleted hand, gesturing for her to go back into the house. 'We can talk later, right now I need you to pack. I had to pull a lot of strings to get myself out here in time to warn you.'

'There's more than just me,' Idira said, glancing towards the bedroom.

Logan glanced at her, sharp. Jealousy flared in his eyes. 'What do you mean?'

'My father turned up half-dead three weeks ago. He's not well enough yet to walk.'

Logan stared at her, incredulous. 'And you helped him?' he bellowed. 'What's wrong with you? You should have ended him as soon as you had the chance.'

Idira blinked. The military life had certainly changed Logan, and not for the better. She wasn't so sure she wanted to do as he told her, not when he had turned into such a tactless bully.

'Dat man be da girl's father,' Unambi said into the sudden stark silence, his words tinged with reproach. 'She be needin' da time ta be comin' ta terms wit' tings, wit' what be needin' ta be done wit' him.'

Logan scoffed. 'Well, I hope you've come to terms with things because I'm not bringing him. He'll slow us down too much. He can face the demons alone, it's more than he deserves. In fact,' he said as he pulled his sword free and stormed up the steps, 'I'm going to solve this right now, that man ruined thousands of lives. This ends tonight.'

Idira threw herself in his path, bracing her arms against the doorframe. 'Wait!' she cried. 'He should be given a trial. What about all the others who deserve to see him brought to justice? No one person should have the right to take his life.'

Daughter of AzerothWhere stories live. Discover now