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Within her dreams, Idira passed Dalaran's Legerdemain Lounge on her way back from the Observatory, her arms laden with folders destined to go back to the archives. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee wafted from the open doors of the exclusive coffee house. She went inside, but there was no one there, the furniture stood against the walls, stacked away so the floor could be cleaned, the baristas gone and the coffee machines silent. Drawn by the intensifying scent, she went upstairs and pushed the door open to one of the guest rooms. She looked in and saw herself sleeping on the bed in Khadgar's sanctuary, the Leader of the Kirin Tor looking down at her, his expression aching with love.

'Idira,' he whispered, reaching out to brush the hair from her brow, 'wake up.'

She stirred, languid, and opened her eyes. Khadgar sat on the edge of the bed, fully dressed, watching her, his eyes soft, filled with tenderness. On the bedside table, a mug of coffee steamed, its rich aroma filling the air. She smiled. The cause of her dream.

'That coffee smells good,' she murmured, indulging in a luxuriant stretch.

Khadgar leaned over and brushed his lips against hers, leaving behind his familiar scent, cedarwood, leather and warm earth. He turned and retrieved a wrapped bundle from the bed, presenting it with a flourish.

'A little something from the Council's breakfast table,' he said, looking pleased with himself as he opened it. A pile of croissants tumbled out, their warm buttery scent mixing with the coffee's. Idira's mouth watered. Croissants were a luxury only the very wealthy could afford.

She sat up and pulled a feathery tendril from the nearest pastry, exclaiming with delight as it melted, buttery and warm on her tongue. Khadgar held out her coffee, his eyebrow quirking, betraying his satisfaction. She took the mug and sipped, sighing. He really did conjure the best coffee.

'Once you have breakfasted, we must work,' he said, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.

A tremor of pleasure rippled through her. 'Together?' she asked, popping another luxurious bite of croissant into her mouth.

He looked away, a shimmer of unease sliced over his features. He looked back at her again, his steel-grey eyes veiled. 'Your ability to be able to transcend closed teleports has led the Council to believe that you might be able to open two barriers which so far no one else has found a way to overcome apart from brute force, which, if used would only make matters worse. Impossible, in fact.'

Idira leaned back against the headboard, eyeing the Leader of the Kirin Tor. He looked away again, but not before she saw a finger of dread slide behind his eyes.

'Tell me,' she whispered, bracing herself for the worst.

Khadgar got up and went to the fireplace, his gaze moving to the empty grate. He crossed his arms over his chest. 'I believe you are aware Gul'dan has the body of the Betrayer and is using it to create an avatar for the Titan Sargeras; I recall you sorted the papers regarding that matter?' He glanced up, abrupt, waiting for her affirmation, his look no longer that of a lover, but a leader, tense, burdened by the weight of his terrible responsibilities. Idira nodded, wary.

He began to pace, his eyes on the stone-flagged floor. 'We believe the quickest way to stop what is to come is to remove the Betrayer's body from the Chamber of the Eye. Without a body, there is no avatar.' He glanced at her again. 'By using ancient magic, I have found the way in: a concealed and warded tunnel which cuts under the channel separating the Broken Shore from a small islet called Hope's End, leading straight into the foundation of the Tomb of Sargeras and the Chamber of the Eye. However, the wards have proven difficult to read. Even I cannot unlock the deepest ones. But the Council believes you can, since you are able to use closed teleports.' He stopped his pacing, falling into his thoughts for several moments. He shook himself, continuing, 'Well, at least we need to try. If you can read them, we will need you to open the way for the party going in tomorrow to retrieve not only the Betrayer's body but also the consort of Malfurion, the Lady Tyrande, who was abducted by Gul'dan over a week ago.'

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