▷just pretend

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"There you are, I was starting to get worried", Taehyung hugged me when I opened the door.

"Oh come on, I was just telling her about your childhood. I told her that one time when yo-".

"Oh come on~ Mom, not that one! I'm an adult now, and I'm supposed to be manly in front of my wife at least", Taehyung grunted.

"Adult or not, you are still my child and like it or not, you used to wet the bed that I have to change it everyday until we're running out of sheets".

"Mom!", Taehyung cupped his mom's mouth, I just laughed seeing them both quarreling. Their relationship as mom and son is a true life goal.


"Thank you so much for having me, mother", I said, smiling. Taehyung's mom returned the favor with a light kiss on the cheek and a bone-crushing hug.

"No, no, we're happy to have you here, sweetie. I'm already loving you so much that I wish I could keep you for myself-", she whispered to me the last part.

"Not while I'm still alive, mother. You're gonna have to go through me first", Taehyung hugged while goofing around, making us all cackled. "But if I'm gone", he turned to look at me, "She's all yours".

I love it when he said those sweet, lovely things. Especially when I know he meant it, hence I felt a little upset with what he said just now.

I kind of don't want him to leave me.

"I won't, baby", he kissed my head gently and dearly, "I won't". I was just able to return it with a forced smile while we bid our goodbyes to my in-laws. When we were in the car, Taehyung hugged me again before I put on my seatbelt, "Are you okay?".

"I'm fine, why?", I replied.

"Did mom say anything bad to you?".

"Hey, that's not nice, she's your mother", I slapped his arm lightly. He retreated to his seat.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried. When you were up there with mom, I felt so devastating since I can't feel you. Like, I lost the connec-".

"Let's go to the mart, I need to buy a few things, yeah?", I cut in, clicking the seatbelt together. He nodded before starting the car's engine and drove it to the nearest mart.


"That much?", Taehyung snickered. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that he referred to my 10 stacks of menstrual pad boxes in the trolley. "Are you bleeding a river or what?". I slapped his arm again, harder on purpose. "Ouchh, it hurts, missus", he groaned.

"Serves you right. You don't know anything about girls stuffs, besides I'm buying these for future use as well. I hate having to shop so many times, unless it's food", I pushed the trolley to the veges section before Taehyung went ahead of me and picked some leafy vegetables; mustard greens, spinach. "Carrots and cabbage, plea-".

"No", he deadpanned, "I don't like 'crunchy' veges".

I huffed, "But I like them-".

"Off we go", he pulled the cart, making me almost lost my balance. I silently pouted while he was paying for the groceries.

I want to carry the bags when Taehyung suddenly pushed my hand and took all the bags with him. "I'm still alive, don't burden yourself. Come", he carried the bags using his left hand while his right hand caught mine, leading me to his car.

"I've already bought some carrots and cabbage", he said out of the blue, making me halt my actions halfway of wearing the seatbelt, looking at him.

"When did you-".

"I bought it right before I fetch you today. You've been thinking about it since yesterday", he smiled, "So I bought it", Taehyung pinched my cheek playfully before patting my head.

He did not just do that to my hair. Huh.

His glistening face turned horror when I was reaching over him.

"No! No! No! NOT MY HAIRRR!", he gasped while trying hard to protect his crown.


"Look what you've done to my hair. I look like a buffoon", Taehyung grimaced while staring at the side mirror.

"I didn't say you can touch my hair as you please, I didn't spent 30 minutes doing my hair for nothing, nuh-uh", I blurted before looking back at him, jaw-dropped.

"You are one naughty girl", he came near me so quick and pinched my cheeks, startling me.

"Ouchhhhh, let go! It hurts so f.ucking mu-".

Taehyung pecked my lips, turning me speechless.

"Don't curse, sweetheart. It feels so weird to hear that from that beautiful, curvy, delicious lips of yours. I love the taste of innocence and purity, but somehow, rude, rough and naughty mixed up altogether can turn me on as well", I gulped, seeing how his eye color changed and the aura felt darker than ever.

"I love how your breath turns faster, shallower when you are with me. Your heart and mind raced like crazy. Your pheromones can't lie, babe. I can almost taste it".

V took my hand, bringing it to his lips, he kissed it. "Your skin is so soft, it would be so nice if I could..", he trailed off before guiding my point finger into his mouth and sucking it.

I immediately pulled and slapped him hard and quick. "Bring back Taehyung", I insisted, though I had late regrets, not knowing where did the bravery came from.

V touched his cheek, clicking his tongue before his eyes intensified against mine, burning with anger. He laughed hysterically before his hand choked on my neck, pushing me against the window. I flapped around to push him but it was all such wasted efforts. Valexander was too strong and I'm just a weakling.

Black dots started filling up my vision, my limbs gets weaker.


Help me.


short, i know. i'm so sorry, it's just a filler. pls pray that i'll be able to update again asap. ilyall

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