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       Though it was chilly, Athena still decided to go to work. With the blistering winds of the cold behind her, she cradled her child within her arms as she walked with the stroller towards her friend's apartment block. From her dodgy apartment to her friend's apartment was a mere five-minute walk and whilst walking in the cold and chilly winds her baby stirred within her one arm, almost waking up as the cold seeped between the fabrics of the clothing he wore. Athena had tried to wrap him up in clothes she had recently bought, but now looking at him, she knew she had to go back there for much more warmer attire.

  Sighing, she had made it to the apartment building which Clarissa, her friend was staying in. She lived with her boyfriend Matthew who loved Drew like his own and even though she was still wary of him, she trusted Clarissa with her life. Luckily, she was on the bottom of the apartment building which made it easier to push the stroller through the parking lot and in front of her door. Athena placed the stroller next to her, and with her free hand, gently knocked on Clarissa's pale white door three times before waiting for her to open the door.

    Clarissa opened the door quickly, her whole body covered with a large blanket as she sneezed out. Her nose was red and her skin was quite pale, under her eyes were dark rims and she almost looked like a sick ghost. Athena took a wary step back at her assumed sick friend before giving her a polite smile. 

   "Sorry Athena, I'm not able to take care of Drew, I should've called earlier, but I fell asleep on the phone. Matthew's at work and I don't want to get the angel sick. I'm sorry." Clarissa apologised before sneezing again into a tissue. She was definitely sick and Athena knew it, but she couldn't help annoyance seep through for not calling earlier and now she did not know what to do with Andrew, she had to go to work or she'll be behind on bills again and she didn't think the landlord would be forgiving this time. Athena could also cry, but refrained herself and gave a nod.

   "It's alright, I hope you'll get better. Here, I bought these for you," she said and taking a brown paper bag out of the stroller and handing it to her. They were blueberry muffins and they were Clarissa's favourite, she hoped she liked them. Her friend beamed as much as she could before sneezing again. "Thank you, Athena. Sorry again," she responded before bidding a goodbye and shutting the door. Athena's heart sunk to the bottom of her stomach, who would take care of Drew whilst she worked? She knew her boss would not like her bringing her child to work and Athena knew no one else who would be so willing to take care of her baby. 

    With a heavy heart, she placed Drew into his stroller, making sure an extra blanket was wrapped around the boy and she took off, wondering who would take care of him. She glanced at her watch which showed she had thirty minutes to get to work and she quickly quickened her pace, not knowing what she was going to do. After three minutes of aimlessly walking around the area, she thought the best decision was to go to the daycare centre to see if they were still open.

   She hastily walked, if she was quick enough she would get there within five minutes and then go to work if they were open anyway. She muttered silent prayers to whoever was listening and begged that the daycare centre was still open. Once she reached the area she looked deep through the glass doors to see if there was anyone, by no stroke of luck, there was no one there. The light was off and the kind receptionist lady was not fiddling with a pencil and in front of the door, poor Athena started to tear up in panic and madness. 

   If she did not find a place to put Drew in, she would have no means of paying bills without looking into her parent's account which she did not want to do as they were for Drew as he got older and to pay her college fees which were very expensive. She knew no one else, she wished she made more friends or had connections with her family who ditched her when they found out about Drew. It's when times like this, she wished the father was in the picture, but unfortunately, he wasn't and that only angered her more.

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