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Life is cruel, isn’t it? Her father made her suffer for things she didn’t do. Her own siblings hated her for something she hid for their own sake. Her Favorite uncles and cousins pushed her away not caring about anything. She was just keeping a secret so no one would get hurt but everything was turned into 180 degree.

Even after getting away from that daily torture, she was hoping for a happy life. A life with her mate and later a family, her own family where everyone would love her, care for her. But you don’t find everything that you want, right? Sometimes, you don’t get anything that you desire. Annie was one of those unfortunate souls. She was destined to live alone.

Annie stayed lying on the forest ground for few hours. She was numb after hearing everything that Alpha Caden said. She was gonna die, she knew it for sure but before that she wanted to see something that would give her immense pleasure. Her mate’s happiness. Even though he didn’t want her, she wanted to see him happy. She knew what was going to happen in the end, so that was her wish now. She decided to stay in the pack for few weeks till her mate found everything, then she would leave happily.

Slowly she sat up in her place and looked up towards sky. She gently wiped her tears when she felt a presence behind her.

“Luna!” Cole said hesitantly.

“Annie. My name is Annie.”

“Annie,” Cole stated softly as he sat beside her, “Are you okay?”

Annie looked taken aback by the honesty and sincerity that he showed towards her. she had nearly forgotten about kindness. She composed herself and looked at him with a small smile,

“If I say yes, will you believe me?”

Cole shook his head.

“Will you tell me everything about your alpha?” Annie asked him hesitantly. Cole nodded and turned towards her.

“In return, will you tell me why did you run away from you old pack?”

Annie thought about it for few minutes but a part of her told to trust the guy sitting in front of her. He showed her something, she was deprived of for all those years, kindness. Maybe, she would have made her first real friend. So she nodded.

Cole smiled at her and started,
“Caden is second born of Alpha Mason and Luna Genevieve. After Ryder, his older brother decided to give up alpha title, Cade stepped up. He wasn’t always this cold and vicious. It’s just after…”

“His lover left him.” Annie completed his sentence. It hurt her but it was the truth. Cole nodded sadly.

“Maia, her name was Maia. She was Cade’s best friend and they fell for each other. Cade promised her that no matter what happened he would always be by her side. But last year, her mate showed up and took her away. He was abusive towards her and Cade thinks that Maia was pregnant with his baby before her bastard mate took her away.”

Annie’s heart clenched painfully knowing possibly her mate has a baby with another woman. Her hands were shivering due to the fact. Cole noticed that and took her hands in his rubbing it softly.

“I know it hurts but please…”
Annie shook her head, trying her best to control tears and she succeeded.

“I will help in finding her.” she breathed out and Cole’s eyes went wide. He turned towards her with shock evident in his eyes.

“Why… why would you do that?”

Annie smiled sadly to herself, “I realized one thing. We are broken, we both are. He doesn’t want me, I know but at least one of us deserves a happy ending. And maybe he will have his.”

Cole sighed. He couldn’t believe Cade was graced with such a kindhearted and innocent mate that she wasn’t even caring for herself. He felt bad for Annie as he smiled at her,

“You are selfless. You are kind.”

And then he asked one question that was puzzling him, “What happened in your old pack? Why did you run away?”

Annie’s breath hitched in her throat as she started fidgeting with her shirt.

“Beta, I….” but he cut her off,

“Cole, its Cole.” Annie nodded. She took her time but then started,

“Do you promise me that you won’t tell anyone? No matter what happens, you won’t.” Cole nodded.

Annie took a deep breath and said, “I’m Annie Ryan. Alpha Ryan’s youngest daughter.”

Cole’s eyes went wide with the recognition. He had heard about alpha Ryan, he was strict and cold hearted and in an alliance with Cade’s pack. He remembered once he with Cade went to his territory to discuss and met his children. He recognized the shy girl who was behind everyone with her head facing downwards when everyone was giving her disapproving looks was Annie.

“Yes! I remember you and alpha Caden. That’s why I came here, my wolf led me here.”

“Why? What happened?”

“They abused me, they hated me. I wasn’t worthy of alpha’s blood, I was just a servant, all because I kept something secret to save everyone from heartbreak.”

Annie’s tears rolled down her cheeks but she continued,

“My dad, he was over possessive and sometimes in a fit of rage would hit mom. Mom was fed up with his attitude but then she met someone. He wasn’t a part of our pack. They started seeing each other and then fell in love. That day, they decided to leave so she decided to fake her own death. But unfortunately, I was there when she was about to cross the borders. She had splattered her blood on the ground, so when you would see it, you would think that she is dead. She told me everything, how she had to leave us behind, she had to escape. I was just ten. I nodded and promised her I won’t tell anyone in my pack. Then she left. That was the last time I saw her.

When I came home, I was covered in mom’s fake blood and that’s when everything changed. They all thought that I killed her and hid her body. They tortured me, abused me but I kept my word. I didn’t tell them.” Annie sobbed.

Cole felt so bad for the girl sitting in front of him as he rushed forward and pulled her in his embrace.

“If I had told them, they would feel betrayed; the pain of mate’s betrayal is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone so I saved them from the heartbreak.”

“But your dad didn’t feel anything?” Cole couldn’t help but asked.

“”Mom broke the bond with the help of some witch.”

“That makes sense.” Cole rubbed her back.

“They will find me again and when they will, they will kill me.” Annie stated softly closing her eyes tightly.

“They won’t. We will protect you and if it comes to that you will tell them the truth.”

“I can’t. I would never.” Annie shook her head.


“Don’t. Just don’t.” She pulled away from him.

“You are the first person who made me feel cared. Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. Come on, let’s go.”

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