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Chapter 6

Annie closed her eyes slowly, the pain was unbearable. The silver was attacking her whole body as if it was killing her from inside exactly as they wanted, slowly and painfully. Now all she could hope for was it would work faster and end her sufferings.

She remembered her childhood when her mom dad was together. They loved her so much; her brothers were protective over her as she was the youngest child while her sister adored her. She was shy but bubbly child. Her family was her everything and she loved them so much. Every night before going to bed, her dad would tell her a story about a knight and his princess, every story was different but in the end, they always had their happily ever after.

That’s why she was so eager to meet her mate. When she saw Caden smiling down at his chosen, she imagined herself there, standing in front of her mate with their baby in her hands and her mate gazing at them with love. A small smile spread on her lips when she imagined how Cade’s touch would feel, was it how others said, tingles and all? He would take her hand and kiss her forehead telling her how much he loves her. Then maybe he would….

But her happy bubble burst when she coughed up blood and started losing her vision, everything was slowly getting blurred. She looked outside to find a guard looking at her with pity.

“Ca… Can you… G…Gi...Give me paper… a…and pen?”

The guard debated with himself but then nodded, fishing out paper and pen from somewhere.

She started writing slowly, it was difficult but she wanted Cole and Charlotte to know that she was happy with the end. She knew they would be heartbroken but she had to write them so she did.

Caden was frustrated as he sped through Alpha Ryan’s territory not even waiting for his permission. Alpha Ryan looked confused when he stepped down from his car. Caden sniffed around to catch Annie’s scent but it wasn’t there.

Where was she? Where did they take her? All the questions were making him feel restless and that’s when Cole’s Car came to halt behind his.

“What’s happening, Alpha Caden? Why are you here?” Alpha Ryan demanded.

“Where is my mate?” Caden asked not beating around the bush.

“You mean Ex, rejected, unwanted mate?” Alpha Ryan smirked but his smirk fell when his eyes fell on the woman who got down from the car.

All Ryan family was outside by now as they were stunned.

“Angela?” Alpha Ryan breathed out but then he rushed towards her and hugged her.

“Mom!” Both of her sons and a daughter ran to her hugging them; a ‘family’ hug but it was missing someone, their youngest daughter who was on the verge of death, put there by her own family.

Angela pulled away with emotionless face and asked,

“Where is my daughter?”

That was all needed to make them all go ghostly pale. Everyone’s heart skipped a beat.

“What’s happening? Will you tell me everything?” Alpha Ryan begged but Cole cut him off,

“Where is Annie? We will tell you everything once we get her safe.”

Guilt spread on Alpha Ryan’s face as he looked at him before Samuel, Annie’s older brother started running towards dungeons where they had kept Annie.

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