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As I arrived to school the next morning I was very determined that I was not going to tell Daniella and Christina anything about what happened yesterday. Not that I didn't want them to know, but I didn't want them to think that it meant something. It didn't. I just helped him find the principles office. He drove me home. That's it. Nothing more. It didn't mean anything. Even though I found him attractive. It meant nothing.

As I walked of the buss, I expected Christina and Daniella to be standing under the tree where we would usually meet, but no. They were waiting by my bus stop, in front of the school.

"Olivia!", Daniella shouted as they saw me.

"Oh calm down would you?!" Christina exclaimed. "She just arrived. Give her time to get of the buss"

"I have to tell her!"

"What's going on?" I asked, feeling a bit awkward that she was so excited. Did they possibly know that I had met Michael the day before?

"Do you see that red motorcycle over there? In the parking lot?"

I looked towards it and immediately realized that it was his motorcycle.

"I saw the guy that arrived on it just minutes ago. He has to be the new guy! And you should have seen him! Tall, broad shoulders, Latin American. And the hair!"

She then turned to Christina.

"See. I told you I was right about him being hot! Ohh", she turned towards me again. "And he had tattoos. I'm not sure, I think he had them all over his arms. But I'm not sure. I only saw part of his collarbone and the front of his arms, but he seemed to have allot of tattoos!"

I didn't say anything. Had he had tattoos yesterday? I didn't remember.

"Yeah well he will probably become the new member of the trouble makers anyway", Christina said in her casual voice.

Of course I wouldn't know if he had tattoos. He was wearing a long sleeved jacket yesterday.

"Wow Christina. Just wow. How could you say that?! You barely know him!"

"Well you don't either, but it sounds like you already made up your mind that he is prince charming or something...", Christina shot back at Daniella.

"Okay guys!", I exclaimed. They both became quiet and turned towards me. "Daniella, don't be so damn excited. He's just new. It's not like he's the new king of Wonderland". Christina started laughing.

"And you, "I said to her. "Don't categorize people by the way they look. It's rude." I sighed. Too tired to think about this. "I'll see you both after math class" I said as I walked towards the entrance of the school.


I walked out of math class and walked towards my lockers. The first two periods in the morning had been very bad and my mood wasn't getting any better. In psychology we had a surprise test to see how much we knew about the topic that we were going to read next week. How were we even supposed to know these things already, if we were supposed to learn them next week? After psychology I went to math class and was already frustrated, so it didn't help that Daniella was sitting next to me awkwardly quiet. I wasn't even angry with her or Christina, there was just something bothering me. Something I couldn't put words on. It felt like ants were crawling up my skin, making my skin al red and itchy. It just bothered me the excitement that Daniella had had when talking about Michael, but it also bothered me that Christina didn't care at all.

"Okay, what is it?", I finally asked Daniella as I reached my locker. She had been walking behind me the whole way and hadn't said a word. She looked shocked at me first, as if I had been the one avoiding to talk to her.

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