Chapter 8 Bedtime (Mystery Man POV)

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She looks terrified. I should feel sorry but I don't. She's caused nothing but trouble when all I've done is love her.

"Please, please just let me sleep in the other room tonight! I promise I'll behave!" She begs, tears filling her eyes.

"No can do princess. You are sleeping in my room tonight, with me, and that's final, understand?" She hesitates. "I can make it a whole lot worse than it has to be darling."

Finally, she nods, a few tears spilling over her cheeks. "I'll go willingly." Her voice rings with such somber acceptance that I almost feel bad. Hmm, nope, I don't. I grab her wrist and lead her to my room. The walls are black, the curtains are black, what can I say? I love black.

I lead her to bed. "Sit." I command her and then walk into my closet. It's mostly my stuff, but I've cleared out a little area where I put some of her clothes. I grab her a tank top and shorts, along with clean undergarments. I grab myself some clothes as well and walk back out, shutting the door.

I set her clothes beside her and point to the bathroom. "Go change. Take a shower if you want, there's soap in there for you." I tell her and she picks up her clothes and scurries in there. I hear the shower turn on, she's trying to stay in there as long as she can to be away from me.

I sigh and pull off my shirt and jeans. I pull on some clean pajama pants and lie on the bed under the blanket, stretched out, with my arms behind my head. I close my eyes and wait for her to come out.


It's been an hour and a half now. The water is still running. I sigh and get up off the bed. I try the doorknob. Locked. Of course. I knock on the door. "Darling? It's time to come out. Now." I listen and hear her moving around, but the water doesn't shut off.

"Princess. Come out or I will come in and get you." I threaten.

"Go away. I'm not coming out!" She yells.

"You asked for it." I walk over to my dresser and get the key. I unlock the door and walk in. She peeks out from the shower and screams. "What are you doing in here?!"

I grab a towel and walk over, shutting off the shower. I wrap the towel around her and pick her up and set her back down outside of the shower. Glaring I tell her. "Get dressed. You have 5 minutes and this door better not lock again, do you understand?"

She nods slowly. "I understand." I leave, shutting the door behind me. I lay back down in the same position I was earlier and wait. Five minutes later the bathroom door opens and she walks out. I look at her, my gaze travelling up and down her body. I pat the bed beside me. "Come lay down, princess."

She walks over slowly and crawls under the blanket, laying as far away from me as she can without falling off the bed. I pull her closer to me. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I wrap my arms around her and she tenses up.

"Relax Char. We're just going to sleep. I promise." She relaxes a tiny bit, but not enough. I want her to love me like I love her. I want her to relax completely when she's with me. I know that won't happen. At least, not any time soon.

I sigh and kiss her cheek. "Goodnight."

She doesn't respond. I close my eyes, pulling her closer to me.


Sunlight shines on my face and I groan rolling over, putting my face into the pillows. Wait, sunlight? My curtains were closed last night. I reach over for Charlotte but my fingers grasp at an empty bed. Ah shit. I force myself to sit up, yawning I stretch my arms above my head. I get up and look around. There are no clothes on the ground. I look in the bathroom, clean. I hear a noise in the kitchen.I walk out my room and into the kitchen. 

Charlotte is at the stove, flipping something. Well, this certainly is a change in attitude. 

"Good morning princess." I say as I come up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Whatcha cooking?"

"Uhm good morning. I'm uh cooking pancakes and I cleaned up a bit." She smiles tensely.

I grin and sit at the table. "Well, this is a surprise. I thought you hated me."

She doesn't respond and I laugh. "Not answering huh? Do you hate me?" 

Silence. "I'll take that as a yes princess." A few minutes later she sets a plate in front of me with a stack of pancakes and a glass of milk. She sits across from me with a small pancake on her plate."You need to eat more than that darling." I command."I'm not hungry." She mutters, cutting a small piece of pancake with her fork and putting it into her mouth. I sigh and take a bite. Wow. These are amazing. I finish my plate before she does. 

"Damn princess, those were amazing." I put my plate in sink and crouch beside her. "Char? You need to finish eating and then I have a surprise for you." I leave her to finish eating and go to my room to take a shower.


Half an hour later I walk out of the bathroom in just a pair of shorts. Charlotte is sitting on my bed, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I sit beside her.

"So, since you've been so cooperative. I'm taking you out to go shopping." Her eyes light up. "But, you have to behave and you have to stay with me. Got it? Or you won't like what happens."

She nods excitedly. "Okay okay, I promise. I will."

"Alright, go change into something a bit nicer and then we'll go." She hurries into the closet to get different clothes.

After she changes I blindfold her. I don't want to take any chances yet. I lead her out of the house and into the car. I drive to the next town over, even though we aren't in the town she lives in. You can never be too careful. I don't want her to be taken from me. I park in the parking lot of the mall and reach over taking off her blindfold.

"We're here darling. Now listen, you have to behave in here. You stick by me, hold my hand at all times unless I give you permission not too. You don't talk to anyone unless I say so. This is just to keep you safe. There are some people who want to take you away from me. If you disobey you will be punished. Understand?"

She nods. "Can we go in now?"

"Yes." I get out and walk around, helping her out of the car and we walk into the mall, our fingers laced. The perfect couple.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! 1172 words! I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you liked and didn't like! What do you think is going to happen next?

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