Chapter 20 Taking Her-Part 1 (Mystery Man's POV)

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"Quick, get in the closet and be quiet!" She hisses and shoves me in the closet, shutting the door.

I hear her bedroom door open and her friends walk in. I peek through the slits in the closet door. They are all standing by the door, arms filled with food.

"You guys forgot the drinks." I hear Charlotte say.

"Oh yeah! How could we forget." One of them, I think her name is Mary or something like that, says. They pile the food on Charlotte's desk and leave the room again. Charlotte closes the door and opens the closet.

"Get out. Now. Before they come back." She tells me.

I smirk. "Why darling? Did you not have fun yesterday?" I move closer to her putting both of my hands on either side of her head, trapping her against the wall. "I can show you how to have fun in another way."

I lean real close to her, I can hear her breathing speed up. "I could just take you with me, right now. No one would suspect me. They would never find us. We'd be completely alone. Forever. Do you want that darling?" I say softly, right next to her ear.

Her eyes widen with fear and pushes at my chest. "Leave."

I grab her arms, pinning them above her head with one hand. "And what if I don't? Will you cry for your mama? Will you call the cops?"

She doesn't say anything. "Exactly darling, you won't do anything." I kiss her cheek softly and move back, letting her go.

"I'll see you soon darling, very soon." I walk to the window, looking at her one last time before climbing out and down the tree. Time to go set up the house. 




It takes me over almost two days to drive to the new house in Seattle, Washington. The house is a little bigger than the one I had in Colorado. It's a little nicer as well. The kitchen is huge, I know Charlotte likes to cook. The living room has a fireplace, because I know she loves them. The bedroom has a few bookshelves and a little reading nook. However, there's a room filled with books and comfy couches and chairs.

I really hope Charlotte likes it here, I made sure everything is perfect. I just have to do one last thing before I go to get Charlotte.

I get in my car and drive to the jewelry store. I'm picking up a ring and necklace for Charlotte. Not an engagement ring, no, it's too early. It's a promise ring, I'm also getting her a necklace with my name on it.

The ring is a crown one, because she's my princess. I had it specially engraved to say, 'My one and only princess'. I hope she likes it. I walk into the store, paying for the necklace and ring. I take them back to the house quickly and pack a small bag.

I fill it with a couple of  extra sets of clothes for both me and Charlotte, some food, and soap. We have to stay at a hotel for a night or two, so I make sure I have everything we need. 




2 days later I arrive back in Lake City. It's night, so it will be easier to get Charlotte. I park on her street, but a few houses away. Getting out of my car I look at her house. All the lights are off but Charlotte's and no cars are in the driveway.

Perfect. She's home alone. I pull on a pair of black gloves and walk to her house, quietly, staying in the shadows. I finally reach the tree outside her window. I pull out a rag and a small bottle from my pocket. I douse the rag in the liquid, putting it back in my pocket and climb up the tree.

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