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My head turns in every direction as I see the people inspecting my art. This is the first time I've let people see it, and I don't want to get ahead of myself... But they seem to love it.

A woman turns her head towards me, as she stands gathered around the most popular painting. She waves me over, and with idle feet, I approach her.

"This painting, how much for it?" She asks, pointing loosely up to the canvas. I stare at her for a moment, trying to come up with a price, but she offers an amount before I can think of anything.

"I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars," she says, her eyes stern. My mouth falls agape, and she smirks as my eyes shift from her to the painting. My throat dries in an instant, and all I can do is nod weakly.

"Good. It's a beautiful portrait, who is it of?" She asks and I nod gratefully.

"It's of my husband. He's right over there," I smile, turning around and pointing in his direction. He's talking with my parents, exchanging a few laughs. He glances over at me, and his teeth show as his beautiful smile shows.

"Very handsome," the lady says, taking a sip of her champagne glass.

"Yeah, he is," I look back at him, in his black turtleneck.

"Excuse me," I say, and walk up to him. My parents walk away, holding hands. They move to the painting, looking at it.

"Hey gorgeous," he says, putting his hands on my waist, giving me a kiss.

"Hey," I exhale, his touch making me gitty. His thick, dark brows raise when I surround him with my arms, pulling him close.

"Your portrait just sold for a hundred thousand dollars," I reveal and his lips part slightly, his body stiffening. A grin appears on his face, and he tightens his grip, my feet lifting off the ground.

"That's incredible Claire! God, I always knew your work was amazing, you just had to put them out there." He says ecstatically, kissing me again as he lets me down on the ground. A warm feeling spreads from my chest, as I stare into those incredible eyes of his.

"Thank you for making me do this," I say, my hand placed on his shoulder. He smiles gently, kissing me once more. This time it lasts longer, and it's like everything around us disappears for a second. I sink into his lips, my gut filling with butterflies. My brows furrow and tingles shoot through me when I realize; I have never been this happy.

When I back away from the kiss, he breathes heavily with a lustful look in his eyes.

"I love you, Zayn."

I can't keep myself from running my hands up to his cheek, and I see my fingers, decorated with the wedding ring. He smirks, his hands on my waist, and I swear I can feel his ring as well against my dress. He got me this dress, and it's... red.

"And I love you Claire. We're going home, right now." His brows lower with the words, and I can feel his heart beating faster under my palm. His eyes consume me with a rush of lust shooting out of them.

"We can't just leave," I breathe, looking around at the people.

"Didn't you hear me? We're going home." He says again, his body standing tall over mine. I hesitate for a second as his grip around my wrist tightens. I can't say no to him -- ever.

"Yes, ok."

He starts walking towards the exit, lightly dragging me by the arm. The faces turn towards us as we abruptly leave the event, and straight into a cab. He mutters the address to the driver, and pulls me onto his lap. With his strong hands, caressing every inch of my body, my breathing grows heavier and I close my eyes. His scent sends tingles to my inner thighs, his warm thighs pressing against mine.

WILD // (Harry Styles)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu