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I clench my hand around the small glass, where in a drop or two of whiskey still lingers. My vision is blurred when I look out on the city, wondering how far away Claire is. If she's 10 miles, 10 metres, 10 feet away from me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, realizing how drunk I am.

I have to get my act together, she hates it when I drink. Hated it. I haven't been drunk in front of her after she woke up. I stand up, walking into the kitchen and throw the glass into the sink. Thankfully it doesn't shatter, as I lean on the kitchen counter. Ugh, I'm so dizzy.

It's 12:28 AM, and I haven't heard from her all day. I saw on TMZ that she was spotted outside a venue with Niall and Michael, and I'm trying my best not to get angry. But deep inside, my blood is boiling.

I can't yell at her, I can't yell at Michael either. It will just drive her further away, and I can't have that. I am prepared to do everything in my power to make her fall in love with me again. I am going to show her the reasons she fell in love with me.

I have been going through our entire story. Every heartbreak, every lie, every deceit... But also every kiss, every joy, and every feeling of bliss... of which there was a lot of.

I have a chance here, no matter how slim. She can be mine again, but it won't happen unless she sees the me she saw way back when. The me who only wanted her happiness, who did everything to see her smile, who loved her unconditionally...

The ding from the elevator makes me quicken, opening my eyes again. I turn my head, craving her sight, but Michael enters the apartment carefully. My palm clenches, but I force myself to relax my muscles. I look away, to keep from saying or doing something I'll regret.

"Hey," Michael says, and I shudder at the sound of his voice. I hear his footsteps approach the kitchen, and I turn my back.

"Get out of my face," I say lowly, staring wide eyes at the wall. I hear him scoff, then release a small, patronizing laugh. I inhale sharply, rubbing my eyes with tensed fingers.

"Really? I did you a favor," Michael says, and I shake my head. I will not let him get to me.

"Where is she?" I growl, my body hardening, my lungs deflating.

"Downstairs. With Niall," He says, and my eyes close and my fists clench together by the sharp reveal. She's still with Niall, and they are alone outside. Fuck. No. I turn around, ignoring Michael's face and walk past him, towards the elevator.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Michael adds, and I press my palm against the cold metal, just above the button. He's right. I can't rip her out of his arms, like I want to. I can't drag her with me and into the apartment like I want to. I can't hurl my fist into Niall's face like I want to.

Everything I do from now on, has to accommodate Claire's wishes. I turn around again, facing Michael as he approaches me again.

My anger in no way compares to how scared I have been all day. Every waking moment was dedicated to the stomach-churning, soul-consuming fear that something may happen to her. I don't think I could've survived another week without her. The one I've already experienced was utterly devastating.

"Is she okay?" I ask weakly, and he frowns slightly, examining my eyes.

"Yes, she is. But... Zayn was there," he says, and my heart sinks down to my waist. My eyes widen and my knees tremble, and I have no choice but let the fear be eaten by fear. The fear is too painful, too heavy, too much. The anger is easier to handle, and easier to do something with.

I press the button, because now I need her up here again. With a locked door, with bodyguards, with no way for Zayn to get to her. The one time she leaves the apartment, Zayn is able to get to her. I can't leave the apartment either, I will have to stay here with her, to always have my eyes on her...

"Don't get in that elevator," Michael warns, and I step back and into the metal box. I stare at him, and he puts a hand over the doors.

"Get out, Claire will be up any minute," he says intensely, staring back at me.

"How do I know that, huh? Zayn has made it clear that he can get to her any moment," I argue, unwilling to listen. Michael clearly doesn't know whats best for her or care about her at all. Someone who tries to kill her, rape her, abuse her... He is out there, and he got his hands on her again. And someone who is supposed to be her best friend, took her out of the apartment, and put her in danger.

"Would you stop!" Michael says, reaching for my hand and pulls me back into the apartment. I stiffen.

"You didn't even ask if she has had a good birthday! If she has enjoyed herself, if she had a good time? It's her fucking birthday and all you cared about was keeping her here like an animal, to make yourself feel good. Did you even take a second to consider her feelings?" He blurts, yelling in frustration. His words causes me to grit my teeth, furious that he would even consider that I don't want her to be happy.

"The answer... is yes. She has had an amazing day! But you don't want to hear that, because you don't want to realize that it's because she wasn't with you." He says loudly, and I can't stop shaking my head, unwilling to hear the words. No, no, no. I close my eyes, walking away from him.

"Harry, don't walk away! Ugh isn't that what you want? Her to be happy? Well you might have to consider the fact that the only way for her to have those things, you have to let her go!" Michael insists, and I fold my hands behind my neck, folding them over my ears. I cant hear this.

"Stop, please stop." I say, my lips trembling. It's not true. It can't be true. Michael relentlessly gets closer, a look of loathe in his eyes.

"You're not good for her, can't you see? The second she saw Niall, she was smiling and she even said herself that today was the best birthday she's ever had! Do you really think that it would've been better with you, hovering over her, grabbing her arm, restricting her? She can't live like that!" The veins in his neck pop out, and his arms move with frustration to his words. I tightly hug my head with my hands, wanting to keep him out. This is too painful to hear. It can't be true. She can be happy with me. I am good enough for her. I am good enough for her. I am good enough for her.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I wheeze, staring down at the ground with side eyes, and Michael breathes heavily. He shakes his head, approaching me with furrowed brows. I need him to stop. I can't take it anymore.

"She's better off without you," He says, and my body reacts to his voice. His relentless, antagonizing voice.

The next thing I know, he is on the ground, a drop of blood already escaping his nose. And I feel a sharp pain in my hand, and I look over to find it curled up into a fist, my knuckles already growing sore.

Before I can really realize what I just did, the elevator slides open and Claire steps in.


Sooo now you know why Harry punched Michael! Do you think Michael deserved it? Or was Harry still out of line? I'd love to know what you think ;)

Btw I saw Beauty and the Beast and I kept thinking about Claire when I saw Emma? Did any of you experience this? lol

Hope you liked this one! See you in the next one xx

WILD // (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ