Chapter 2 - The New Boss Meets the Employee

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*Patricia's POV*

I felt the tension that surrounded the whole kitchen of the bakeshop as the news about the arrival of the new owner spread. Everybody's wondering why the old owner of the bakeshop decided to sell the rights of all the branches of this bakeshop since business was doing well and in fact, the name of the bakeshop has been a household name already. They say that it was sold to an old man but since he got sick, his son came to take over and handle the business.

"Get yourselves ready," our kitchen manager instructed, "and make sure to show him that we can handle pressure, therefore, work naturally even if he is around."

"I heard that our boss is a hunk," Rea whispered, "and not only that," she noted, "he is still bachelor."

"Behave, Rea! You are still too young to think about these things," Ryan, the cousin of Rea, interrupted.

Rea rolled her eyes before going back to her station. She is assigned in the pastries station while I am in-charge with all refrigerator cakes. All the cakes and pastries sold in the different branches came from here that is why this branch was the busiest of all.

"Aren't you going to join them and fix yourself?" Ryan asked as he noted how red the lips of the girls in the kitchen are. I sighed at the thought that these girls looked so desperate in catching the attention of our new boss. I couldn't blame. Work around here is exhausting. You have to work ten hours a day, five days a week and must forgo the thought of having a love life. So I guess getting a chance to be one of the lucky girl that our hot boss would date is what all this fuss is about.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Y-yeah," I replied.

Ryan raised his brow as if telling me that he does not believe me.

"He came back," I sighed.

I've told Ryan some of my past except for the part where I got married and then got divorced. I can never tell him about it but I can never say I was married to Stuart. Stuart never talked about the marriage. He never admitted it to anyone and it is only our parents and our closest friends knew about it. I also have no reason for telling Ryan about the marriage. We're done and there is nothing I can do about it besides, Stuart will never claim that I was once his wife.

"What do you plan to do?" Ryan inquired.

"I guess I just have to avoid him," I shrugged.

"Whatever you planned to do, always remember that Rea and I will always be here for you," he tapped my shoulder before heading to his station.

"The boss has just arrived," I heard our supervisor announced, "he is currently checking the dining area and is heading to check our workplace."

Everyone started getting busy when the kitchen door opened.

"This is our kitchen area," the store manager explained, "this is where we bake all the cakes and pastries that we deliver to different branches in the country."

I could not see them because my back is facing the kitchen door but I could sense that the new boss and our store manager is heading my way. I guess this is one of the courtesy visits that a new boss is supposed to do so I calmed myself.

"This is Ryan Gersava," I heard our store manager introduced my friend, "he is in-charge of making sure that our cookies and finger treats are well baked."

"Good morning, Sir," Ryan greeted.

"And this is Rea Acain," the store manager continued, "she is the assistant of Ryan."

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