Valentine Special

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Valentine Special

Cassidy's POV

I felt cold in my sleep and it seems like this isn't the only reason why I woke up. I opened my eyes and found an empty space beside me, from what I recalled last night, Carson was beside me.

I rubbed my eyes in a subdued way, feeling the lack of energy in me, I mean come on.

Who wanted to wake up alone?

I let out a frustrated sigh and rolled to the other side of the bed, I heard a crumpling sound the moment I touched the other side. I became very curious so I bolt up straight and found a paper rose on the bed.

I picked it up and examined it, only to find words written on it.

'See you down stairs, princess.'

Messily scribbled words are from my one and only of course, it made me smile in all honesty but I still am a little pissed off on the fact that he left me alone in bed.

I lurched out of the bed and threw my hair into a bun, straightening my pyjamas as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was done, I got out of the bathroom and exited the room with a refreshed feeling.

I swiveled down the stairs only to be greeted by the strumming of guitar. I turned to look at the direction where it was coming from, I found Carson strumming the guitar prodigiously.

He has a lazy grin etched on his face just when he opened his mouth to sing.

When you smile, everything's in place

I've waited so long, can make no mistake

All I am reaching out to you

I can't be scared, got to make a move

While we're young, come away with me

Keep me close and don't let go

Inch by inch, we're moving closer

Feels like a fairytale ending

Take my heart, this is the moment

I'm moving closer to you

I'm moving closer to you..

The moment he finished the song, he was already in front of me, smiling like a love sick puppy.

"That's beautiful," I said in a breathless voice.

"No, you're beautiful." He tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

I giggled in response making his eyes glimmer in happiness.

"What's the occation?" I asked him in a queer tone.

His facial expression changed into a whole different one, from amusement to shock. His eyes are wide and his mouth slighty agape.

"You seriously don't know?" He asked shockingly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head no.

"If I knew I wouldn't ask,"

"Did you knock your head over the wall?" He chuckled.

Is he trying to piss me off?

"No." I said, feeling indignant.

"Do you know what date is it today?" He raised his eyebrow.

What date?

"February 14. See I have- Oh. Oh my god, I'm so sorry I haven't got you a present. It was totally out of my mind, I didn't even realize that it's Valentine's Day. I'm such a horrible girlfriend, I spent the whole morning being angry and annoyed when you're the one who should be feeling that way. I'm so sorry." I rambled in a quick breath.

I expected a laugh from Carson but an unexpected thing happened. He kissed me on full lips, passionately and sweetly. His lips tastes like coffee and mint all together.

He pulled away once we're both out of breath, resting his forehead against mine and our breaths mixing. I really don't mind.

"What are you saying? This is my job as your man, I know that this is completely out of your mind especially when the big things took place." He kissed my forehead softly.

I looked at him haltingly, not sure of what I'm going to do or say.

"Well, can I at least cook for breakfast? So in that way I'm worthy to be called as your girlfriend." I suggested with a pleading look.

"You don't have to, you're already worthy. And besides, I already cooked breakfast for the both of us." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.

A plate filled with chocolate chip pancakes were placed on the counter. A bouquet of pink roses is placed beside it.

"For you my lady." He handed me the bouquet, which I accepted as the aroma of the rose waft through my nose.

I looked at him appreciatively and gave him broad smile.

"Thank you." I tip toed and pecked his lips.

"You're welcome." He said with his lips moving against my own.

"Fucking shit. Can you please calm your hormones down, I have an innocent mind here." Brandon's voice tore us apart, making Carson flashed him a loathed look.

"You just ruined the moment." Carson said in a menacing voice.

I rubbed his arms up and down which made his ragged breath go back to the normal one.

"Seriously Brandon? We're not the only teenagers who can't control our hormones, you're also one of us. Especially when you saw this-"

"Okay okay, I get it! Just shut up about that, I'll leave." He blurted out, cutting Carson off.

I smirked at his direction, he glared at my way and being the childish person I am, I stuck my tongue out making him stomp away from us.

Once he got away, both of us burst out laughing, laughing like there's no tomorrow. After 3 good minutes of laughing we finally calmed down and stared at each other, smiles plastered on each of our faces.


"Yeah." I subconciously licked my lip.

He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist to guide me. I sat on the chair as I pick up the fork that I will use to dig in, only to be yanked by Carson.

I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Give it to me, I wanted to eat." I whined.

He shook his head, disagreeing with me.

"Nuh uh. I will feed you. Now open your mouth." he instructed me.

I let out another sigh before opening my mouth and as soon as I did, a soft chocolatey pancake touched and melted on my tongue. I moaned in delight then swallowed it quickly before opening my mouth again.

"You sure have an appetite of a man." he shook his head in amusement but fed me anyways.

I almost ate everything making me want to puke because I felt like I'm bloated or something. I took a sip of my orange juice then tada, it's all gone.

I faced Carson who's finishing off the piece that I wasn't able to eat. Once he was done, he stared back at me. Then out of no where we blurted out at the same time.

"Happy Valentine's Day." We said in unison.

I giggled and he laughed. We spent the rest of the day watching chick flicks, it surprised me when Carson gave me the suggestion to watch it, we laughed, cried, held hands and enjoyed the day.

And I just wanted to say, Happy Hearts Day!

"It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it is the little differences that make them interesting." - Todd Ruthman


Happy Hearts Day to all the couples, singles and married couples out there!

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-ohhlala_77 xx

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