Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"What?" I managed to squeak out.

"Shh!" He quickly shushed me with his index finger on my lips, he picked up a rock and threw it to the fence.

"Why are we breaking in? Why can't we just enter normally like normal people do?" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"It's because it's closed as the matter of factly, I mean it's midnight." He said in a 'duh' voice.

Could anyone be more stupid than me?

"Then why are we here?" I said in the softest voice I can muster.

"Because I want us to,"

"O-okay," I replied in a gente voice.

"Can you climb this fence?"

I eyed the fence from top to bottom, it's about six feet tall. I gulped but nodded anyways, not wanting to disappoint him.

"Good," I can hear the smirk audible in his voice.

My feet walked towards the fence, teetering. I raised my arms reluctantly.

"You can do it Cass." He encouraged me.

I don't know what made the nervousness go away just when I felt a spark of determination.

I will make you proud, Carson.

I smiled to myself then grabbed the fence and climbed up, my legs following the lead of my arms.

Without knowing it, I was already at the top of it.

Don't look down, I told myself.

"Don't look down, as much as possible." His voice guided me,

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and lowered my leg, finding the closest wire to it. After god knows how long my feet touched the ground, I peeked through my right eyes and found myself standing on the other side of the fence.

"That's my girl," he said infront of me, admiration clearly written in his eyes.

I blushed and smiled at the same time, not knowing if I should be proud of it or something.

He climbed up the fence two times faster than me, it was about ten seconds before he reached me. And to tell you, that was really fast, I mean really really fast.

"Come on," he almost dragged me to somewhere, keyword 'almost', until I pulled back not letting him drag me.

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I asked him with my heart pounding so hard against my chest.

You ask me why?

It's my first time to break in, to break the rules, with this guy in front of me.

Not that I don't trust him.

"Just follow my lead and we won't," he squeezed my hands to reassure me.

I let out a deep breath, exhaling my hesitation and frustration. Then I finally gave in, due to his plausible face. His face immediately lit up as he tugged my hands and dragged me to god knows where. I followed him, trailing silently as we walk towards a dark swallowing hallway ahead of us.

The nearer we get the faster my heart beats, it's probably because I'm scared of the dark, scared that someone will yank me away from Carson and kill me. This made me clutch his arms in a death grip, until I saw a beam of light at the path before us.

I felt a little excited- okay maybe not a little, I was ecstatic.

"Close your eyes," he suddenly whispered in my ear.

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