Chapter Four

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I sit with her for over an hour, I know I should probably go back to find Harper but I can't get myself to leave. Eventually I need to know what is going on, how she is, so I stand and walk out into the hallway.

I see a doctor down by the reception desk, talking to a nurse, and walk over to him. Thankfully he's in my pack so he knows who I am and why I'm here, normal doctors would just ask questions and take their sweet time getting here.

"What's the latest with her?" I ask him, anxiously running my hand through my hair.

He checks the clipboard that sits in a box on her door, scanning it before looking up at me. "Well, we've noticed that she's been more responsive. She'll twitch, or her brain activity will increase when we do certain tests. This doesn't mean she's waking up, it just shows there is more of a possibility I suppose."

He looks back down at the notes on the clipboard but I don't miss the flicker of emotions that play across his face.

I see the the sadness and the little bit of pain that reflect how this has affected him just as it has affected me. I forget sometimes that it wasn't just my mate that was lost, it was the pack's other leader that they lost as well.

I lay a heavy hand on his shoulder, "It's going to be okay. She's going to wake up."

I try my best to sound confident and certain that what I am telling him is the truth but what if it wasn't? She can't leave me here. She has to wake up.

The doctor talks to me for a little while longer but I only tune in on every few words, my brain racing too much with the 'what ifs' to actually focus on what he's saying.

He's talking about preparations, things that need to be done for the two possibilities we're faced with. She either takes her time and wakes up, or we do what everyone thinks is best, and assume she's not going to wake up.

I can't do that.

The intercom above is comes to life, a nurses voice filling the room. "Doctor Jones you're needed in room 218. Doctor Jones, you're needed in room 218."

"Okay, well feel free to stay as long as you'd like, I've got a patient getting prepped for surgery so I've got to go." He pats my on the back before leaving the room.

The silence is deafening.

The things needed to do today race through my mind, making me realize I've stayed longer than I planned. I have to go check on Harper and head home to finish the things that I've pushed off.

With a sigh I go over and kiss Madeline's forehead, whisper that I'll be back, and leave the room. I stop by Harpers room but she isn't there. Rushing out into the waiting room I look around at all the faces, nothing.

I see the nurse that showed her to her room behind the reception desk and make my way over to her.

"Excuse me, did you see the girl I came in here with? Harper Barten?" She looks slightly startled by my frantic state but lets be honest, losing a pack member? Not great.

I would usually be able to smell her, even with my impaired senses, but with all the people and disinfectant in this place its a miracle I can smell at all.

"She went outside, don't know where though." I nod and head out the sliding doors. I see her leaning against the door of my car, making me sigh with relief.

I head over to the car, unlocking it as I cross the road. She slides in the car so I make my way around to my side and get it.

"I'm sorry if you were waiting a long time, you could've come and gotten me and I would have drove you home." She's looking out the window so I'm not actually sure if she's listening to me.

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