10. Witchcraft or Plain Brilliance?

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The next few chapters are dedicated for all of you Jamy and Karson shippers out there!

* This chapter is also a lot longer than the previous ones *


"What kind of witchcraft is this?!" Was all he could spit out before chaos erupted around us.

K A R A ' S P O V :

Okay, so maybe complete madness didn't ensue, but when the future beta and gamma get up to stand behind their alpha, with growls audible and then the phone rings, it can get pretty crazy. I went to answer it, but that was before Jason shot me a look that could send me six feet under. "Don't move." It was barley audible, yet the power radiating from it made me halt in my tracks. The beta and gamma showed their fangs, and I had to force myself not to submit so that I wouldn't give away that I was a wolf.

All of this was interrupted by my aunt's laughing. At first it started out as a slight chuckle, slowly escalating to a giggle until she was crying as she clutched her stomach.

Jason, though, didn't think this was amusing in the slightest. "What are you laughing at? You crazy witch..."

The last statement seemed to knock Martha out of her haze and once she had finished wiping away her last tear and letting out her last giggle, she turned her attention back to him.

"I don't think I am the crazy one in here." She looked as though she was holding in a laugh as she pointed to the bottle of masking spray. "That right there in your hands is a perfume bottle filled with water. I'm not sure I would personally refer to that as witchcraft, but whatever floats your boat."

Everyone in the room's face must've been priceless. I felt like a fish out of water, honestly. My mouth opened and closed, but I couldn't seem to form words. After a few minutes of concentration, something squeaked past my lips.

"Wha-how?" Martha only shook her head at me.

"All in time Kara, all in time."

Jason looked confused. "Why would you spray yourself with water? That just - ugh, that makes no sense!" He was clearly frustrated and upset that the tables had been turned back around to him.

I simply shrugged. "Why do you hang out with that brat named Evelyn? Not all the biggest mysteries of the world have simple answers."

He gave me a confused look before turning his undivided attention back to my aunt. "But why would you give her a bottle of water to spray herself with... it's just so..."

"Weird, strange, uncommon. I get that a lot about some of my ideas. Anything else you want to add?" Martha sat up straighter and continued on. "I don't want her to be exposed to this world anymore than you do. Let's just leave her out of this."

Jason shot me a stern unconvinced stare before speaking. "I'm sorry, but I have to look at every option. And trust me, her being a part of the wanted wolf situation is still up for debate."

I could barely concentrate. The masking spray had been water? How was my scent going to be hidden now? Martha turned and shot me a look telling me to be my mouth shut. "If you panic, your true scent will shine through. I am trying to help you, now calm down!" She scolded through mind link, and I took deep slow breaths.

Of course, doing this got me weird looks from the Beta and Gamma of the Silver Crescent Pack. It's not everyday you see a "human" girl start hyperventilating over hearing about the werewolf world.

Jason's suspicions about me seemed to rise as he stared at me unconvinced. Shaking his head, he continued. "If I find out that in any way, shape, or form you are helping this wanted wolf out, I will make sure you have a painful death." I gulped, his stare at my aunt sending chills down my back, even though it wasn't directed at me. Wow, who knew his Alpha stare could be so powerful? And he's in training!

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