27. I'm Friends With WHO?!

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K A R A ' S    P O V :

I headed into school the next Monday alone due to the fact that Kelly had some things going on at home. I was fine with walking in by myself, it was just the thought of what people might do seeing as we weren't side by side at the moment.

When I arrived at my locker, I found Jason leaning against Evelyn's, texting something on his phone. He looked up when he heard me coming and a smile lit up his face when he saw me. "Hello, Kara. Funny to see you here, huh?"

I rolled my eyes and quickly unlocked the locker. "Yeah, well you are standing right next to my locker. Would you mind moving, or are you waiting for your girlfriend?" I couldn't help but add a bit of venom when I referred to Evelyn. I think it was probably mostly because my mate was hanging out with another girl over me.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Jason teased, amusement shining bright in his eyes.

I rolled my own as I finished exchanging my books. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." After locking my locker, I turned to leave, only to be pulled back by Jason.

"Not so fast, Kara." My breathing became uneven when I realized he was pushing me against the locker. Rachel desperately tried to claw through and hold her mate, but I held her back. I couldn't reveal my true identity, not after all I had gone through, not after all my mom and pack had suffered. "You are going to sit with me at lunch, okay?"

I scowled, trying not to let the closeness effect me. "You can't have me do anything." With that, I shoved him hard, causing him to stumble back. I took his moment of surprise to escape. 

I'd have to try harder at evading him.


When lunch came around, I hurried towards the cafeteria, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible. I rushed in, bumping into people and repeatedly apologizing as I made my way to my table. Since Kelly wasn't here, I was going to have to sit alone. I didn't fathom the idea, but I would rather be by myself than with others who spread rumors.

Once I sat down, I found myself glancing over at Jason's table. Evelyn wasn't on his lap this time, and he had an extra seat beside him. He happened to look up at the same time as me, smirking quickly before patting the space next to him. Being my stubborn self, I quickly shook my head and stayed in my place.

I thought Jason had given up, but I should have known better... Just when I bit into my sandwich, he appeared next to me. "Didn't I tell you you were sitting with me at lunch today?" 

I only rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him. Jason smirked and leaned closer to me. I just about had a heart attack - how was he not affected by this? Oh, that's right, he didn't know who his mate was, let alone that they were sitting next to him. Finally, I had had enough. "Would you mind leaving me alone? It looks like your girlfriend wants you." Just from that comment, the smirk slipped off his handsome face - that's Rachel, not me! - and he glanced back at his usual table. 

I had seen Evelyn shooting me death glares out of the corner of my eye the whole time Jason had been over here, but the minute her and Jason's eyes connected, her face became pleading. She patted the empty seat beside her and batted her eyelashes. Jason turned back to me after taking a deep breath. "She's not my girlfriend," he grumbled, and it wouldn't have been audible to me if I hadn't had my exceptional hearing. 

I brushed off his comment. "So, why are you over her anyway?"

"I'm sick of my group. They sometimes drive me up the wall. I also wanted to escape Evelyn, which you can see how that's working."

He was quiet, and just sat there, munching quietly on the lunch he had brought. Rachel whined in the back of my mind, averting my attention from my mate to her. 

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